Between Friends: A Hotwife Novel Read online

Page 11

  I knew she’d just cheated on Devin and all, but in that moment all I cared about was that there was an insanely hot girl pressing against me. I was already so close to the edge as it was that I felt like it wouldn’t take much more contact to send me over the edge. That would be embarrassing, but at the same time I figure they chlorinated these things for a reason.

  “Would you like to know what I’m doing with your husband?” Teresa asked as we got closer to Kirsten and Devin.

  Kirsten arched an eyebrow and smiled at her former friend. “Looks like you’re having fun with him under the water. Is she actually fucking you baby?”

  It took me a moment to realize that last one was directed at me. Right. She was asking me a question. I should probably try to answer rather than leaning back in my own tube letting the water cascade down around me as I looked on in stunned disbelief. I was having trouble coping with the moment. Too much had happened too fast today, and it was starting to overwhelm me.

  “You bet your hot ass I’m having some fun,” I said.

  “This doesn’t bother you that I’m grinding against your husband?” Teresa asked.

  “Why should it? After all, I’m doing worse than that to your ex right now,” Kirsten said with a triumphant smile plastered across her face. “Didn’t you wonder what was going on under the waves?”

  At that moment I realized that Devin had a look of intense concentration on his face. He was staring off in the distance, and there was a subtle rocking motion going on down under the water. Kirsten was moving back and forth ever so slightly and it suddenly hit me exactly what was going down. Teresa might be grinding against me, but my wife was doing a hell of a lot more than that under the waves just out of sight.

  There was no doubt in my mind in that moment that they were fucking down there. It was happening just out of sight. His cock was sliding in and out of my wife and I wanted to see it so badly, but at the same time I knew they were doing what they were doing because of the risk. We were still in a very public space, even if it was somewhat secluded, and someone could come around one of the bends at any moment. They wouldn’t see anything if everything was happening under the water, but it would be pretty obvious if, say, Devin pulled Kirsten up and started fucking her against a concrete wall.

  “Are you… Oh my God Devin! Are you fucking Kirsten?” Teresa said, her voice finally cracking. Her cool demeanor she’d been wearing like a mask this entire time finally going away just a little.

  “What if I am?” he asked. “I’d say we’re still pretty fucking far from being even considering what you did to me.”

  “Oh yeah? Well I’m not even close to being done,” she spat. “You take mine, I take yours.”

  That last bit seemed to be directed at Kirsten, and I got an idea of what she had in mind as I felt her hands move down between her legs and start fumbling at her bikini bottoms. A moment later she held them up for a moment with a smirk on her face, leaving no doubt to everyone assembled that she was completely in the buff under the hidden ripples of water surrounding us.

  Then she wrapped her legs around me again and started fumbling at my own swim trunks. It looked like it was time for the sexy trouble that had been brewing all afternoon to finally explode, and I couldn’t fucking wait!

  13: The Other Side

  Huh. Now this was interesting. Considering I’d already seen Teresa with a guy on top of her balls deep once today I figured I’d be a little annoyed at seeing it happen again. Even if it was my best friend who was getting with her this time around. My best friend who’d also been so kind as to let me have a chance at his wife, I might add.

  Only instead the emotions washing over me were completely different this time around from what they’d been earlier in the afternoon when I caught Teresa cheating. It was still odd to think that had all happened earlier in the day. It felt like a hell of a lot had happened in a few short hours.

  Now the feeling was different. Now I was actually feeling a little excited watching her with another guy. There was none of the anger from earlier. No, there was just a sense that it was fucking hot watching her getting with Trevor.

  Then again, hadn’t I had this very same thing happen to me earlier when I was watching her? Now that I thought about it, I had gotten one hell of a hard on watching her fucking the guy. I figured at the time it was just a natural reaction to seeing an insanely hot girl in action, but now I was wondering if there maybe wasn’t more to it. If maybe there was a deeper level to this fantasy than just the cheap thrill of watching her naked.

  Trevor looked over to me and I knew in that moment that was the last chance I was going to get to put a stop to this. Only now that I was staring this moment down the last thing I wanted to do was put a fucking stop to it. I was rock hard, and it had almost as much to do with what Teresa was about to get up to with my best friend as it had to do with Kirsten and the way she was gyrating her hips and moving that sweet pussy I’d fantasized about for so many years up and down on my cock.

  I didn’t even care that we were in a public ride like this. That was the park’s fault for not keeping an eye on things properly like they were supposed to.

  I nodded to Trevor. Not sure why he was asking me permission considering Teresa and I were still broken up and I still wasn’t entirely sure about getting back with her. Though I was starting to consider that maybe I’d be willing to get back with her. Funny how that could change so quickly.

  Teresa, for her part, didn’t seem to know how to react to all of this. She was looking between the three of us as though we were completely nuts, and to be perfectly fair I suppose she was right on some level. The sort of cheating she’d done was something that was pretty damn easy to understand. A girl stepping out on her guy was something that happened all the fucking time. There was nothing remarkable about it.

  What we were doing here, though, four people coming together in the full knowledge of what we were doing to one another? Well that was something that was a little different, but no less fucking hot for being different.

  That confused look didn’t stay there for long, though. No, one moment she was looking at all of us as though we were crazy, as though she wasn’t quite sure if she wanted to go through with her bid to make me jealous if it was fucking obvious I wasn’t going to get jealous over it, and the next moment her eyes went wide even as Trevor got this huge fucking grin on his face that told me exactly what was going down.

  It was weird. Here I was fucking Kirsten. Fucking a girl who I’d fantasized about for so long, and yet all I could think about was the thought of Trevor’s cock sliding into my girlfriend. It felt somehow different knowing that I was here and a participant even if I wasn’t directly fucking her. It was somehow different from knowing that she’d gone out and cheated on me with some random guy.

  “Oh fuck Trevor,” Teresa moaned. And then she did something that really surprised me. She did a quick look down to either bend in the river to make sure there was no one coming from either direction, then she lifted her hands up and slipped through the tube. From the way Trevor grinned and had a grip on her under the water it seemed that she never broke the hold she had on his cock while she was pulling that little maneuver.

  “Fucking get out of that thing,” she said. “I need this.”

  She didn’t have to tell Trevor twice. He still had that goofy grin on his face as he ducked under the water for a moment. That must’ve been really fucking hard for them to do all that maneuvering and somehow stay connected, but they pulled it off.

  And in a flash they were against the sloped concrete wall that created a waterfall effect. Water hit Trevor’s back and splashed around them as Teresa started rising and falling in the water, biting her lip the entire time in a move that meant she was doing her best to keep quiet.

  She wasn’t doing a very good job of it either. Little gasps and squeaks were escaping her mouth every time she bottomed out on my friend.

  “Enjoying the show?” Kirsten asked.

p; I turned and blinked in surprise. Apparently while I’d been distracted by the sight of Trevor and Teresa coming together Kirsten had taken the opportunity to slip out of her tube as well. I guess I was the only one who was still a little worried about the possibility of getting caught, though at the same time I had to admit that possibility of getting caught also added to the fucking hotness of what we were doing!

  Fuck it. I had a gorgeous woman right in front of me with her legs wrapped around me and the only thing separating us was the stupid tube I was using to stay afloat in the shallow water. Fuck all of that. All I cared about was the frenzied lovemaking going on behind me and the gorgeous woman in front of me.

  I’d gotten into that dangerous headspace that all men are familiar with where my only overriding concern was with getting my rocks off. I didn’t care if we got kicked out of the park or had the cops called on us or whatever the fuck bad things could potentially happen to us. All I cared about was that I got to fuck Kirsten, and that I got to be close to Teresa while she was fucking Trevor.

  So I slipped out of my tube as well. I fell back against the same wall and I was just a foot away from my best friend as my ex-girlfriend bounced up and down on his cock. As I stared she reached down and pulled her bikini top to the side, treating all of us to one hell of a fucking show as her tits bounced up and down repeatedly.

  Meanwhile Kirsten was taking full advantage of the situation as well. I felt her hands on my own and then she was wrapping them around her petite waist. I looked up at her and grinned, and she smiled right back at me. The little minx. She’d probably been hoping something like this would happen from the moment Teresa showed up in the park.

  I found myself wondering how many other rides we’d manage to fuck on. Honestly it might be easier to just go back to the hotel room after this, assuming no one discovered us and we didn’t get thrown out of the park for good, but I had to admit that the idea of doing this sort of thing in a very public place like this had a certain amount of appeal that added some spice to an already extremely naughty situation.

  I figured if Teresa was showing off her goods to the world then I could have some fun with Kirsten as well. I reached behind her and worked at the tie on her bikini top and a moment later her tits were spilling out and bouncing up and down on the water line in time with Teresa’s. It looked like we’d settled into a sort of synchronized rhythm where all four of us were bouncing at about the same speed.

  I stared at Kirsten’s tits for a moment, taking in their sight and shape and the hypnotic way they moved as they bounced. Trevor was such a lucky motherfucker for being able to enjoy this whenever he wanted. Not for the first time I felt a stab of jealousy that he was the lucky bastard who got to talk to her first, but I suppose I couldn’t be too terribly jealous if he was giving me the opportunity to fuck his blushing bride now.

  Kirsten leaned in. “So are you enjoying the show?”

  She said it in a stage whisper. As though she wanted everyone around us to hear what she’d just said. I looked up at her and cocked an eyebrow in an obvious question, but Teresa had already noticed. She slowed her bouncing slightly and looked over at me with obvious confusion. Hell, I was a little confused too. Though I had a pretty good idea as to exactly what Kirsten was getting at, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to be sure.

  “What are you talking about, Kirsten?”

  “Don’t be silly. I see the way you’re looking at her bouncing on my husband’s cock. That’s the same look Trevor used to get in his eyes whenever we’d talk about me fucking another guy. Usually he was talking about you,” she said.

  I grunted at that admission. It was nice to know they’d been talking about me fucking her for awhile now. It also pushed me dangerously close to blowing my load, and I didn’t want to do that just yet. I used my hold on her waist to slow her bouncing by just a little and she smirked down at me as though she knew exactly what I was doing.

  I didn’t give a fuck. She could smirk all she wanted as long as I didn’t blow my load prematurely!

  “So what if I am enjoying this?” I asked.

  Kirsten shrugged and looked over to Teresa. And for a surprise she actually smiled at her rather than giving her a look that would’ve been better reserved for two cats with tails lashing trying to figure out the best way to claw the fuck out of each other.

  “I don’t know. Just seems to me that if you’re into this and she’s into getting with other guys and everything else is going well with the two of you aside from that…”

  She trailed off and resumed her motion on my cock. Bouncing up and down, her tits moving up and down in time with my thrusts. I grabbed onto her waist and held on for dear life as she rode me for everything I was worth, but in that moment I wasn’t in danger of blowing a load because of anything Kirsten was doing to me.

  No, the real reason I was about to blow a fucking load all over the insides of my best friend’s wife was because my best friend had his cock buried inside my girl and he was about to do the same to her. Watching her tits bouncing, seeing her moving up and down on another man’s cock, listening to the water splashing as she bounced lewdly was fucking intense. It was a sight I thought I’d never get tired of.

  And I realized that Kirsten was right, in a way. Here I was thinking of Teresa as my girl. I was getting one hell of a possessive jealous feeling watching her fuck another man, but it was like it was a spice that was being added to our sex life and turning me on way more than it should have. I felt an impossible heat building between my legs and running through the rest of my body. I was on fire, and it had everything to do with watching her fucking another man.

  Hell, in that moment even the memory of what I’d witnessed earlier in our apartment was coming back to haunt me. Coming back to turn me on in one hell of a major way.

  I thought about another man on top of Teresa. Watching his cock pumping in and out of her. Watching her tits bounce under another man. Listening to her moan in ways that I thought were only for me, but I did have to admit that it was pretty fucking sexy when she was doing it for another man as well. Hell, any sort of gasp or moan coming from her was enough to set me off!

  Speaking of being set off. I guess the combination of Kirsten, watching Teresa, and thinking about what Teresa was doing earlier in the day from a whole new light was setting me off. I grunted and pumped up inside Kirsten one final time, and then for the second time that day I was blowing my load deep inside her.

  Kirsten smiled and leaned down, whimpered in my ear as she shuddered and I felt her coming even as her pussy grasped for my cock. Even as she seemed to will me to move deeper into her body and provide her with this pleasure. God this was so fucking hot!

  Teresa let out a cry of her own that I knew all too well. A cry that I didn’t think I’d ever hear again after our argument this morning, but it was like music to my ears. I got a taste of this incredible feeling vicariously as I watched Trevor grunt and hold onto Teresa with an iron grip. He thrust up one final time and I knew it was happening there as well.

  It seemed the surprises weren’t over with yet, though. Kirsten leaned over and grabbed Teresa, and before I knew it the two of them were kissing one another with a passion that surprised me. I never knew either of them were into that sort of thing, but I’d lie if I said I’d never thought of watching them do this. Finally seeing it happen, just like finally feeling Kirsten sliding down my cock, just added to the overall experience and made me want to scream out even more. Fuck this was amazing!

  Finally I came down from that feeling. It was helped along by seeing movement down around the bend that I’d been keeping half an eye on the entire time we were fucking. The girls were still lip locked and Trevor still seemed a little spent from everything that just happened, not that I could blame him considering he’d had to put up with an entire afternoon of teasing with no release.

  “Someone’s coming,” I said.

  The reaction would’ve been fucking hilarious if it wasn’t so potentially danger
ous. Kirsten jumped off of me and Teresa moved off of Trevor so quickly that he yelled out in surprise. In a flash the girls were back in their tubes and covered up. Meanwhile we didn’t have to do much in the way of cleaning up on our end. I simply reached down and grabbed my own suit. Pulled it up and then I was ready to go even as the girls were working on tying their own suit tops back on under the cover of their tubes.

  A moment later we were floating around the far bend as a laughing and splashing family came around from the opposite direction. I breathed a sigh of relief. That could’ve been really bad if we’d actually still been in the middle of the festivities when they showed up. I couldn’t imagine any parent being too happy about their kids witnessing a couple of couples swapping partners in the middle of an amusement park.

  It was also a damn good thing this stuff was chlorinated, though on balance I didn’t think what we’d just done in the pool was all that worse than the kids who’d no doubt peed in the thing over the years.

  As we floated down the river I looked to Teresa who was also making eyes at me, and decided that maybe I should do something about all this. After all, I’d just discovered that I enjoyed watching her with other guys, and I knew from experience that she enjoyed being with other guys. I was probably being crazy here, but maybe that was worth another chance.

  Of course there would have to be some ground rules moving forward. That went without saying. That was also stuff that we could work out later. I bumped my tube up against hers and for a change she smiled at me and it seemed like a genuine smile.

  “You know I was planning to come out here and get you to take me back so I could dump you,” she said.

  “I know,” I replied. “And I was going to take full advantage of it and leave you high and dry without getting back together.”

  She blinked in surprise and I laughed. Okay then. Apparently she didn’t think I was as perceptive as I actually was. Then again I’d just found out earlier that she’d been cheating on me for the better part of a couple of months and I had no idea, so I suppose she could be forgiven for thinking along those lines.


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