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Betting My Bride: A Hotwife Novel Page 2

  "So are you going to tell me what's going on now?" she asked as we stepped out. She knew this restaurant well. It was the place where I proposed to her last year, right before we graduated from college. We hadn't lived in the city then, but we were close enough that we could come in for special occasions. And I had to save almost as much for the damn restaurant bill as I had for the ring to propose to her. I smiled. That was another thing that I didn't have to worry about anymore.

  "Just wait honey," I said.

  "I swear to God James," she said. "If this is your idea of some sort of practical joke…"

  I reached up and put a finger to her lips. She went quiet and her eyes went wide. I'd never done something like that before, but I was feeling that heady cocky rush. I couldn't help myself. And for a surprise she went quiet and just smiled at me.

  When we were situated at our table, a nice quiet spot near the back and the kind of seat I never would've been able to get before, she finally put down her menu and locked eyes with me.

  "Okay," she said. "You've had your fun. What the hell is going on? You show up with a Corvette with temporary tags, and let me tell you if you think we're able to afford that then I'm going to rip your balls off, and now you're taking me to one of the most expensive restaurants in town? What's going on?"

  I held up a finger to stop her as I dug in my pocket for a small box. I'd made one other stop aside from the Chevy dealership and going to a travel agent. I made sure to go to one of the jewelers we'd looked at when we were checking out engagement rings. It was a place that had definitely been out of our price range, but we'd gone there for shits and giggles. There was a ring there that Lindsay had fallen in love with, but again, it was out of my poor college student price range at the time. We'd ended up getting a more sensible number at a store in the mall that sort of looked like the ring she fell in love with. I pulled out the box, the logo of the jewelry store was obvious on it, and I slid it across the table to her.

  Her eyes went wide and she looked up to me, her mouth going just as wide as her eyes. "James…"

  "It's simple," I said. "We're celebrating!"

  "What are we celebrating?" she asked.

  "Lindsay, will you marry me?"

  The confusion was obvious on her face. "But I already said yes? What are you talking about?"

  I dug in my pocket again and this time I pulled out some documents from the travel agent. I slid them across the table. Seeing her reaction as she looked the papers over was absolutely priceless. It was worth every penny I'd spent to get last minute tickets out to the islands.

  "Holy shit!" she said. A couple of people around us looked over, but thankfully the place was sparsely populated this time of day and there weren't too many people within earshot to hear my future wife's outburst. No, most people were still at work right now.

  "Is this…"

  "An all expenses destination wedding at the King Kamehameha Club and Hotel out in Hawaii. We can have the big wedding with our family later, but I want to elope with you now."

  Lindsay locked eyes with me again. "Okay, this isn't funny anymore. You know this was my dream honeymoon!"

  "Of course I know," I said. "Did you think I wasn't paying attention when you were talking about that?"

  "Well I knew we couldn't afford it."

  "Things change baby," I said. "Why don't you look and see what's in the box?"

  She fixed me with a look that brooked no nonsense, but I just nodded to the box again. I was going to play this out to the very end. I wanted her to see all of her surprises before I made the big reveal. There was one final piece of paper in my pocket, and it was probably going to get the biggest reaction out of her even though it was the most inconspicuous of all the surprises I had for her today.

  She opened the box and her hand went to her mouth. It was exactly the sort of reaction I'd gotten the first time I proposed to her with that mall ring.

  "Is this?"

  I nodded. "None other than."

  She looked up at me, her eyes wide as she slipped the ring on her finger. "You have to tell me what's going on James. This ring cost as much as a new fucking car!"

  I shrugged. "Actually it cost about a third of what my new car cost today. I figured a little bit of splurging was in order considering."

  "Considering what?"

  I pulled out the final piece of paper. It was folded, and it looked fairly innocuous. She arched an eyebrow as I slid it across the table. She unfolded it and looked down, and I could see her reading through it. I could see the confusion played on her face. And then I saw the dawning realization as she realized exactly what it was she was looking at.

  She looked up at me. "This is the joke?"

  "Do you really think I'd go to the trouble of photoshopping that paper, buying you that ridiculously expensive ring, showing up in a Corvette with new sale plates, and buy an all expenses paid destination wedding to Hawaii for the sake of a joke?"

  "You're seriously not bullshitting me? You swear this is real?"

  I shrugged. "What can I say? I hit the lottery with one of those programs I'm always puttering around with. You're about to marry a wealthy man baby!"

  "Oh my God!" she squealed.

  This time even more people looked around than at her earlier outburst, but I didn't care. Let them look. Let them judge. Let them stare at the nouveau riche barely out of college kids. They could go fuck themselves with their lips puckered up like a cat's asshole. All I cared about in that moment was how ridiculously happy Lindsay looked. She came around the table and enveloped me in a huge hug, and then she gave me a kiss. And I'm not talking about a quick peck on the lips either. No, it was a thorough kiss. It was the kiss of a woman who was firmly in love with her man, and I knew she was the one I wanted to keep for the rest of my life because she fell in love with me before I had all of this money.

  And now it was something that we could enjoy together.

  I came up for air and glanced around with a half grin on my face. More people were looking with disapproval, but whatever. This day of all days was a time to indulge. I was on top of the world, and I wanted the rest of the world to know it.

  She moved back and sat down as the waiter came over to take our order.

  "Celebrating something?" the waiter asked.

  "Yeah we are!" I said. "Bring us your most expensive wine. I'm a rich man today!"

  The waiter nodded with a smile and disappeared, no doubt expecting one hell of a tip from the crazy college kid with money.

  "A destination wedding…" Lindsay said.

  "Just the two of us," I said. "I figure we can do the whole church thing with our families when we get back. But I didn't want to go another moment without you as my wife. We're in this together, and I wanted to make that clear."

  She smiled. "I love you so much."

  "I love you too baby," I replied.

  And then she smiled. A mischievous smile. A smile that had my cock standing up and taking notice. Well, my cock was already standing up and taking notice after that thorough kiss she'd given me, but it was taking even more notice now.

  "You know…" she said. "Now that you're a man with some money, that means I could go to a certain store at the a high-end mall and get one hell of a bikini for that trip…"

  I smiled. "Whatever you want honey."

  "So we have time for a shopping trip after our meal?"

  "Only if I get to see you try it on!"

  Lindsay grinned. "I think we could arrange that."

  2: Shopping Trip

  I was pleased by what I saw as I made my way into the store with Lindsay. The saleslady came over and smiled.

  "Can I help you?"

  Lindsay smiled back. "I'd like to try out a couple of outfits. We're taking a trip out to Hawaii."

  "Wonderful!" the saleslady said. "I'm sure we'll find something that's just perfect for you."

  You bet your ass they were going to find something that was just perfect for her. As I looked around I was asto
nished by everything I saw on display here. I hadn't even realized this company had stores. It must be a really high-end type of thing. Sure I'd seen their magazines back in the day, swiped them from my dad back before I'd realized you could see naked ladies on the Internet, but somehow the idea of seeing my gorgeous fiancée in one of these outfits was even more intriguing. Even more enticing.

  Every one of the outfits on display looked skimpier than the last. My cock was positively throbbing and I hadn't even seen Lindsay wearing one yet! One thing was for certain though, I'd be willing to pay whatever it took to get her into one of these bikinis.

  Only for the first part of the shopping expedition it seemed like I wasn't necessary. So I took a seat and looked down at my phone. Pulled up my balance on the App Store again. I blinked. That number just kept getting bigger and bigger.

  I swiped over to look at some of the reviews of my game. About what I expected. A lot of people saying it was addicting, some people saying they hated it because it was popular, and some people bringing up legitimate problems I was going to have to make sure and correct. I wish I'd brought my laptop with me. Hell, I'd have to make sure and stop by my favorite big-box electronics retailer and get a new laptop along with a mobile Internet connection I could use anywhere. I figured I could write it off as a business expense now.

  That was going to take some getting used to.

  "Are you ready?" Lindsay asked.

  I looked up and blinked. She had several swimsuits in hand.

  "What's up babe?"

  "You said you wanted to see me try these on," she said. "Well it's time for me to try them on!"

  "Oh, right!"

  So I stood and followed her to the back of the store where they had a row of changing rooms. There was one other guy sitting there, an older dude dressed in a nice-looking business suit sitting on a bench. He nodded to me and smiled as I took a seat on my own bench. Lindsay disappeared into her changing stall and closed the door with one last smile for me. I could tell this place really was swanky because they had actual doors that closed entirely giving her complete privacy. No drapes or anything like that here.

  Once she'd disappeared the older guy turned and smiled at me again. "First wife?"

  I grinned. "Not even wife yet," I said. "We're planning a trip out to Hawaii to elope."

  "Want some advice from an old codger?" he asked.

  I shrugged. "Sure, why not?"

  "You got engaged before you had your money," he asked. "Right?"

  I blinked. "How could you tell?"

  "The look in your eyes," he said. "The look in her eyes."

  "Well yeah…"

  "Here's my advice for you son," he said. "Hang onto her. Whatever it takes. Don't let her go, because there's something precious about a woman who loves you for who you are and not for how much you have."

  At that moment the changing room door in front of him opened and a girl stepped out. I blinked. She had model good looks. She also looked to be about my age or maybe a few years older. Definitely too young for that guy. He smiled as she stepped out in a bikini that looked absolutely stunning on her figure let me tell you. I blinked. She looked good, not quite as good as Lindsay, but she looked damn good.

  "What do you think baby?" she asked.

  "You look wonderful!" the man said.

  She giggled. "You're so good to me baby!"

  And then she disappeared back into the changing room. The door shut behind her and the guy turned and shook his head. Let out a sigh.

  "What do you think?"

  I blinked. Was he really asking me what I thought of his wife? I wondered if it was some sort of trap, but I found myself answering honestly. There was something about this guy that made me feel like it was somehow okay.

  "Pretty damn hot," I said. "Not as hot as Lindsay, of course, but pretty damn hot."

  Winston's eyes twinkled. "One of the advantages of having a little money. You never lack for a pretty companion to show off. No, you can certainly have fun with the ones who are more interested in your money than anything else," he said. "Don't get me wrong. I just wish I'd hung onto what I had with my Sarah…"

  "Did you love her?"

  "I did, and I was so stupid that I let her slip away," he said. "Don't let that happen to you son."

  "I'll be sure not to," I said. "What's your name anyways?"

  "Winston, and you?"


  We didn't get further than those introductions because at that moment Lindsay's door swung open and she stepped out wearing a black number that took my breath away. It wasn't really a swimsuit so much as it was two strips of cloth that came down and covered her nipples, then it moved down in between her legs to cover her pussy and barely cover her ass. As she stepped out she looked almost hesitant. Almost embarrassed to be wearing the thing.

  I licked my lips. It was as though sometimes she didn't realize exactly how hot she was. It was almost as though she didn't realize she was exactly the kind of tight young body type, the perfect body, even hotter than Winston's trophy girlfriend, that had been designed to wear exactly that kind of swimsuit.

  "Damn baby," I said.

  I also heard a sharp intake of breath down the way. I glanced over to see Winston looking at her as well. Looking her up and down with intent. When he saw me catching him looking he smiled unabashedly but he kept looking. And I figured why not? I figured it was a compliment if he had that trophy hottie with him and he was staring at my future wife and enjoying the show. I actually felt a little thrill run through my body feeling his eyes on her.

  "You don't think it's too much?" she asked.

  I grinned. "If anything that thing is too little!"

  I regretted it as soon as I said it. Lindsay blushed and turned as though she was about to go back into the changing room and put an end to the whole session so I quickly held up a hand.

  "Hold on! I think it looks perfect on you babe. Although we are going to be on a combination wedding/honeymoon. Do they have anything in white? Seems like that would be more appropriate."

  She did another twirl. I felt lightheaded as all the blood rushed down to my cock. I also heard another sharp intake of breath from Winston down the way and realized I was getting more than a thrill. I was actually getting turned on at the idea of him getting excited by my wife! Weird.

  Lindsay grinned. "I think I have just the thing baby!"

  She disappeared, the door closing behind her. And I was left with the memory of her in that incredible outfit. I wish I'd had the presence of mind to pull up my phone and snap a shot. Maybe with the next one.

  "Another piece of advice son?" Winston asked. I turned to him and smiled.

  "What's that?"

  "When you have one that loves you for who you are and she looks like that? You do everything in your power to keep her!"

  I grinned. "I'll keep that in mind."

  He sat back smiling. A smile that was even bigger than when his own wife had come out of her changing room. "Yes, one of the nice things about coming to this place is seeing the show, though it's rare that you get to see the show with a girl like that."

  I didn't know what to say to that. On the one hand it was forward, but on the other hand he'd just shown off his wife to me. And she acted like it was nothing to come out and prance around wearing practically nothing. To be perfectly honest I felt my cock throbbing at the idea of another man checking Lindsay out.

  That was interesting.

  Lindsay must've been working in record time because her door opened and she stepped out a suit that took my breath away even as it took my blood away. All of it rushed down to my cock which was calling an emergency meeting. It was threatening to burst out from my pants.

  This was more like a regular bikini and less like something you'd see on an underwear model or in a swimsuit issue, but it was still scandalous enough for a regular bikini. There were strings that looped around her neck and around her back holding a couple of patches in place that barely covered her
nipples. The suit was pure white and I thought I could even see the outline of her nipples through it. Down below she had a strip of cloth that was barely there in the front, and in the back it showed off a generous amount of her ass as she turned around but it wasn't a string flossing her ass crack.

  "Holy shit!" I breathed.

  "Damn!" Winston said under his breath, but it was loud enough for me to hear which meant it was loud enough for Lindsay to hear.

  Lindsay looked down and immediately blushed as she realized she had more of an audience than just me. I also saw something else that had my cock standing at attention. A brief up and down look that was so fast I might've missed it if I wasn't looking straight at her. Was she checking him out? Hard to tell since right after that up and down look she turned to me.

  I smiled and nodded. "It's okay. This is Winston. We've been chatting."

  That seemed to reassure my bride somewhat. She did a quick twirl. She was looking at me, but I saw her glance down towards Winston as well. Now that was interesting. Was she enjoying showing off just a little bit? Had I just discovered a voyeuristic streak in my fiancée and soon-to-be wife? Because I know I'd just discovered that I enjoyed the idea of her being watched. It was odd, but I had a strange feeling that my cock was just as hard at the idea of another guy's eyes on her in that suit as it was hard from the idea of seeing her in that outfit in the first place!

  "I think you found your vacation suit," I said.

  "You really think so?"

  "I know so!"

  She blew a kiss, glanced down the way towards our audience, and then disappeared back into the door into the changing room. I looked back down to my new conversational companion and he was shaking his head and chuckling.

  "Damn," he said. "Lucky man!"

  "Thanks," I said.

  "So what do you do anyways?" he asked.

  I shrugged and it was my turn to blush. I don't know why I was blushing at my success but it was still so new and probably so different from how this guy probably made his money with his fancy suit and everything. "Actually I just hit the lottery with a game on the App Store."

  "Interesting," he said. He stood and fished something out of his pocket. Handed it over to me. "I'm in investment banking. When you get back from your wedding you'll have to swing by and have a chat with me. We can turn that lottery winning into a lifetime of fortune with a little bit of work."