Wagering My Wife: A Wife Watching Fantasy Read online

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  I at least had the satisfaction of watching the guy flinch back from me.

  "Hell, this is easy enough to figure out," the second guy said. I turned to look at him. He was a skinny nerdy type, but he also radiated a casual confidence that didn't match that nerdy persona at all. I arched an eyebrow. Who was this guy?

  "Really? What did you have in mind?"

  The guy shrugged as though it was the most obvious answer in the world. He glanced to Terry. Just a brief glance, fast enough that I would've missed it if I hadn't been looking straight at him. My eyes narrowed. What was going on here? Were they working together or something? The guy barreled right on though, either oblivious to or ignoring the fact that he'd been caught out.

  "We're here at a party, she's getting a little tipsy which is supposedly when the alleged action starts happening. Just have someone try and seduce her and see what happens."

  I looked between him and Terry. The boss man was doing his best to look completely disinterested in the conversation, but I could tell from his body language that he was very interested in our conversation. I was almost certain they were planning this between the two of them, but I was already in too deep. I was already too pissed off to back down. And there was a big part of me that still didn't want to believe Rachel would do something like this to me even as there was a growing part of me, mostly growing down in my pants, that was very interested in the idea of her doing something like this to me.

  "She's not going to cheat on me. I'd bet anything," I said.

  Terry raised an eyebrow at that. "Anything?"

  I felt a trap closing in around me and I was watching it happen but at the same time I couldn't do anything to stop it. I felt my hackles rising. I felt anger rising within me. I was feeling that strange lightheaded sensation when you start seeing red. When you're ridiculously pissed off. So pissed off that you start doing stupid things that defy all rational thought.

  "Yeah! And I'd win that bet easily!"

  "You really want to make a bet on whether or not your woman is going to stay faithful to you given what we all know?"

  That implication should've had me stopping, but I plowed right on ahead despite a sinking feeling that they were right. Despite an impossibly aroused notion that they might be right. Because that implication, the way all the guys in this conversation were taking it as a given that Rachel would step out on me so easily, was pissing me off too. Even though I had a deep suspicion I was making a losing bet, that I was stepping into a trap, my pride wouldn't let me back down.

  "I'd bet any asshole in this house," I said. I wasn't even really thinking about what I was saying at this point. I was just letting the anger do the talking for me. I was letting anger and emotion write checks that I probably wasn't ready to cash, but it was too late. The words were out.

  Terry paused for a moment as though he was seriously considering it. Then his face broke into a broad smile. His hand jutted out and took my own. Before I knew it he was shaking my hand up and down, holding me in that iron grip I'd noticed earlier when we first arrived at his house.

  "Fine, I'll take that bet," he said.

  I blinked. What the hell had just happened? What was going on here? I felt that trap closing in around me and still I wasn't backing down. And I wasn't sure if I wasn't backing down because I was so pissed off or if I wasn't backing down because I had a sneaking suspicion going down this path would lead to my wife doing something very naughty that I was starting to get more and more interested in seeing.


  "You said you'd bet anything that your wife will stay faithful to you. I've never been one to shy away from a bet," Terry said. "And we get to prove these guys right or wrong."

  He looked around at the other guys who were suddenly shuffling and looking down nervously. Apparently they weren't exactly comfortable with this, and I have to admit I wasn't exactly comfortable either. Only I didn't see a way to back out now. And I also had to admit that my cock was rock hard. That wasn't something I would willingly admit to any of the assholes in this room, but I couldn't deny it. I was starting to wonder if I wanted to win that bet after all since apparently my cock thought losing was winning just as much as winning was winning.

  I mentally took hold of myself. Of course I wanted to win the bet. I didn't want Rachel cheating on me, right? Right? Only my mind and my cock were telling me two very different things on that score.

  "So what are the terms?" I asked.

  Terry shrugged. "You're the one betting your woman man. You tell me."

  I looked around the massive living area. I thought back to the memory of looking at this massive house on some of the most expensive real estate in the city. This guy was loaded. He probably had more money than I could ever hope to make in my lifetime. And that gave me an idea.

  I could win this bet and make a hefty little sum at the same time! I just had to hope and pray that the rational side of my mind won the bet and not the brain down below that I was thinking more and more very much wanted to lose this bet.

  "Ten thousand dollars," I said.

  Terry blinked and I wondered if I'd ask for too much. Then his face broke into a broad grin and I wondered if I'd asked for too little.

  "That's all? You're going to sell your wife for ten thousand dollars?"

  "I'm not selling my wife," I said, pushing down the part of me that had a strong feeling that's exactly what I was doing. I pushed down even harder on the part of me that very much wanted that to be what I was doing. "She's going to prove all of you assholes wrong!"

  "Man I would've paid a hundred thousand dollars for a chance at Rachel," Terry said. "But ten thousand dollars it is."

  I felt sick to my stomach as he said that. Only not because of the potential lost money. I had a feeling that he was just bullshitting anyways. No, the real reason I felt sick to my stomach as he spoke was because of his casual confidence. Because of the way he smiled and took it as a matter of course that he was going to win this bet. I was still confident there wasn't a chance in hell he was going to win, but there was that small nagging voice of doubt in the back of my head that'd been whispering infuriatingly arousing things about my wife's fidelity this entire time and now it was screaming at me.

  "You'll see," I said.

  "I think you'll see," Terry said.

  A thought occurred to me. I was getting ten thousand dollars, but I didn't have that kind of money sitting around if he won. He hadn't said anything about his terms.

  "What do you want if you win the bet?"

  Terry looked me up and down with a grin on his face. It was amazing how he could be smiling the most friendly smile in the world and still look like he was the most condescending prick in the world at the same time.

  "I'm guessing you don't have ten thousand dollars just sitting around the if you lose the bet, right?"


  "Well you're already wagering your wife, how about you just take that to its natural conclusion man?"

  I had a sinking feeling. I had a feeling that I wasn't going to like what he was about to suggest. But what could I do? I didn't have that kind of money, and I'd already gotten myself into this situation by shooting my mouth off. I wished that I'd just kept my stupid mouth shut instead of letting this asshole take control like this!

  "Then I propose this. If you win I give you ten thousand dollars, tax-free, no questions asked. If I win then I get to keep Rachel for the whole weekend. And maybe longer than that if she decides she wants to come around once in awhile after I'm done with her."

  I swallowed. This was dangerous. So dangerous. And yet the way he subtly flexed his muscles. The way he suddenly cracked his knuckles idly as though he wasn't just stretching. That left no doubt in my mind that if I tried to a back out at this point it was going to go very poorly for me. Very poorly indeed.

  "Fine," I said. "We have a bet."

  Terry reached out and took my hand once more. Shook it a couple of times very vigorously. "Good. Glad we came to an

  "So how do we settle this? Are you going to try and seduce her by dancing or something? Do I need to watch you trying to get with her and see you flameout?"

  Terry laughed. "No, nothing as complicated as all that. I think all I'm going have to do is ask your lady up to see my new remodeled bedroom and she'll be done for," he said.

  My nostrils flared and my eyes widened. I felt my blood pumping, though I wasn't sure whether it was pumping because I was mad at this asshole for being so casually confident that he could seduce my wife or if I was turned on at the way he seemed so casually confident that he could seduce my wife. It was a confusing mix of emotions that was running through me.

  "And how do I know you're not just lying when you say you seduced her? There's no way to prove it."

  "Follow me little man," Terry said and he put an arm around my shoulder.

  I got pissed off when he called me "little man" but what could I do about it? Feeling that massive arm wrapping around me was a not so subtle reminder that this guy was way bigger than me. He was way more in shape than me. And feeling his arms wrapped around me also was a stark reminder that he could snap me in two, as though I needed any reminding of that!

  As he pulled me away from the party I kept running over the last ten minutes in my mind. Wondering how Terry had so skillfully turned this from me wanting to beat a guy up for questioning my wife's fidelity to betting on that very fidelity and being turned on by the idea in the process.

  How had I gotten myself into this?

  4: Seduction

  We made our way up a massive spiral staircase to the second floor. He walked me down a long white hall of that seemed to go on forever. The hall opened onto rooms on either side, but I only caught glimpses of what was in there. He led me down to a spacious master bedroom that felt like it was at least as many square feet as half of the house we lived in. It was circular on one end with a massive set of floor to ceiling picture windows that probably looked out on the lake during the day, but now it just showed darkness.

  Terry smiled. "You like the place?"

  "It is pretty nice," I said. Then I shook my head when I realized what I was doing. I'd just made a bet that this guy could seduce my wife! I definitely shouldn't be getting chummy with him over his redecorating at his obscenely massive mansion!

  "If you think this is impressive just wait until you see how you're going to lose the bet," he said.

  Immediately my hackles were rising again. Yeah, this guy definitely wasn't my friend. This guy was trying to fuck my wife. I was starting to wish I'd never gotten into this bet in the first place.

  When we came up here I figured he might have me hiding in a closet or something like that, but I should have realized I wouldn't be doing anything so low class at a place like this. No, he led me around a small divider made up by a massive mirror on the side facing his bed. Of course on the other side it was a two-way mirror. I'm not sure why he had something like that installed in here, but he was a rich eccentric. A built rich eccentric, but definitely a rich eccentric from what I'd seen so far. Why not have a double-sided mirror right in the middle of his bedroom for no reason?

  He looked at me and chuckled. Obviously the question must have been obvious on my face. "You'll see why I have this here in a little while."

  That just pissed me off even more. That was my wife he was talking about! Even if I was completely confident that she was going to say one hundred percent faithful to me, well I could still be pissed off that he were talking about her as though she was already in his arms!

  "So I just wait here?"

  He grinned. "You just wait here. I'll take care of the rest."

  And then he was gone. There was nothing for me to do but wait. I pulled out my phone and tried to do some reading, but it was difficult to concentrate on anything considering that my wife might be brought up here at any moment under false pretenses. I found myself worrying that he might decided to win the bet through force when it became obvious she wasn't going to give in to his advances. Visions of him forcing himself on my wife and it all being my fault danced through my head. Would I be able to stop him? Could I live with myself if that happened? And why was I so turned on at the thought?

  I put the phone back in my pocket. I wasn't going to be able to concentrate on anything anyways. Surprisingly I didn't have to wait too long. I felt a chill run through me as I heard voices coming from out in the hall. Terry's deep voice and a softer more feminine voice that I recognized as my wife's. I would recognize her voice anywhere.

  And that chill only partly had to do with the fact that he'd gotten her up here. There was still a good chance he'd gotten her up here under false pretenses. No, part of that chill was that he'd gotten her up here at all. The other part of that chill was at the chance something actually might happen. I didn't understand these feelings that were suddenly assaulting me, but I also couldn't deny them at the same time. I couldn't deny the way it made me feel thinking about my wife being violated by that guy. Thinking about the chance he actually might succeed in seducing her!

  I peered through the two-sided mirror in with a mixture of hesitation and anticipation. I wasn't sure which one was stronger. I wasn't sure that I wanted to find out which one was stronger.

  The giggling got louder and then they burst through the door. Rachel still looked absolutely amazing in her dress, though was it my imagination or did it look slightly rumpled? I couldn't tell. She had a glass of wine in one hand that was a huge but nearly empty. I found myself wondering how much she had to drink.

  Terry was laughing as well, and he looked just a little drunk as well. I wondered how much he'd had tonight and how much of that drunkenness was a show just for my wife considering how stone cold sober he'd been when he left me alone up here.

  And what about those guys earlier? They were just drunk and shooting the shit. We did the same thing at my office. Only I'd gone and flown off the handle and now I'd created this situation where my wife was alone in her massive black boss's impressive bedroom.

  I had a sinking feeling in my stomach as I watched them together. That nagging voice in the back of my head that was telling me trouble was on the way was getting louder and louder. It wasn't just nagging now. No, it was screaming at me.

  What had I done?

  Rachel looked around the room and her eyes went wide. Her mouth fell open and it was obvious she was impressed by what she was seeing. Then she turned to her boss and I saw her look him up and down. It was obvious she liked what she was seeing. My heart sank as I saw that look on her face.

  Rachel took a step closer to her boss. She looked so tiny, so petite, next to his broad muscular shoulders. Next to his hulking body. He grinned down at her.

  "So you've got a whole house full of people partying and you decided to bring me up to your room all alone to show it off," she said. One of her fingers reached out and ran down his chest. "Was showing off your new digs the only thing you had in mind?"

  Terry's face split into a huge grin. Once more his bright white teeth were a sharp contrast to his dark skin. "Actually, that wasn't the only thing I had on my mind."

  I couldn't believe it even as that voice of doubt that had been whispering and then screaming was now giving me a very smug "told you so" that I could do without. I couldn't believe my wife was flirting with her boss like that even as there was a part of me that had known all along there was probably some truth to what those guys were carrying on about downstairs. And of course there was that part of me that was undeniably turned on by what I was seeing. That part of me was very obviously tenting out from my shorts down below.

  One of her legs popped up as she leaned into him. Damn it. With every passing moment, with every move that my beautiful and seemingly unfaithful wife made, I was starting to think I wasn't going to win that bet after all. My confidence was absolutely shattered with that one move she made, and yet at the same time all I could do was stare in fascination. All I could do was curse my cock for g
etting hard at that sight.

  "So what did you have in mind when you invited me up here?"

  Terry looked over to the double-sided mirror I was hiding behind and that grin couldn't be any wider. That was the calm and confident grin of a guy who knew he was firmly in control of the situation. Even as my world was spiraling out of control his world was coming together. He was getting a chance at the office hottie. The hottest girl in the office, as they'd put it. I felt the swell of pride that they all thought of her like that, but at the same time it was accompanied by a sinking feeling that made me feel like I wanted to puke up everything I'd had that night as I watched them getting closer.

  "Actually, I was thinking about winning a bet when I got you up here," he said.

  That seemed to throw Rachel for a loop. She stopped and blinked. "Win a bet? What are you talking about?"

  Inside my head I was screaming impotently. No. He wasn't doing this to me. He wasn't going to take that stupid bet and turn it around on me. And yet as he glanced over to where I was hiding one more time I knew that was exactly what he was going to do. I still wasn't completely sure he'd be able to seduce my wife before, but I figured she'd probably get so pissed off now that she'd go through with it anyways.

  Damn it. Damn my temper!

  "Well the guys were talking about the fun you had with Dave in the copy room," Terry said.

  Rachel blushed and looked down. "That asshole! He wasn't supposed to tell anyone about that."

  "He didn't," Terry said, moving one of his massive fingers, a finger that looked like it was about as big around as my cock, under her chin and pulling her up so she was looking him in the eyes. "But that copy room isn't exactly a private place. People can see things."

  "It was supposed to be a birthday present," Rachel said, still in a quiet voice but there was something else there right along with that whisper. An impish grin that said she might regret getting caught giving "Dave" a birthday present, but she certainly didn't regret doing it.


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