Betting My Bride: A Hotwife Novel Page 4
I couldn't believe it. We were actually flying out to Hawaii to get married! We were eloping in a major way. The rest of my family would be ticked off when they found out, minus our parents who I was quietly flying out as a little surprise for the future misses, but whatever. I wanted to do something impulsive now that I'd firmly taking control of my life.
Speaking of. I opened my phone and flipped to my App Store balance. My eyes went wide when I saw the number there. I smiled. I did some quick math off the top of my head.
I told Lindsay that I'd probably be getting another deposit just the same as I'd gotten this month, but it definitely appeared that my stupid little game was enjoying a little bit of a snowball effect. I flipped over to the App Store proper and saw that it was actually in the number three spot overall for all games in the whole store. I wondered what the hell I'd done to catch so many people's interest.
Whatever it was, I'd take it. I flipped over to my email, something I hadn't checked all day long considering all the stuff I had to do, and blinked. My inbox was stuffed. It was full of people contacting me with requests for interviews about the game. I was going to have to work through some of that backlog on the flight. Luckily they had Wi-Fi on the plane so I could get some work done. But first I wanted to get settled in with Lindsay.
I glanced over to her and she was staring at my phone, her eyes wide.
"Is that number what I think it is?"
I grinned. "It's exactly what you think it is baby!"
She looked like she was about ready to faint and I held a hand out to steady her. "Babe? You okay?"
"I guess I just didn't really fully believe it until I saw that number," she said. "Holy shit. You're rich!"
I leaned in and kissed her. "You're not quite right."
"What do you mean?"
I ran a finger around her engagement ring. "Minor correction. We're rich."
Lindsay grinned. Apparently she liked the thought of that. I grinned right back at her. I definitely liked the sound of that. We were rich. Filthy fucking rich. Well, maybe not filthy fucking rich, but rich enough that neither one of us would probably have to work for the rest of our lives if we invested properly and stuck to a middle class lifestyle. Plus if the money kept rolling in like it was we could quickly get to filthy fucking rich with some proper investing, and it felt good!
I settled back in my seat, a nice big comfortable cushion of a monstrosity. Now that I had the money I figured I might as well spring for first class. And it was the nice kind of first-class since this was a bigger jet designed to fly across the country. Not that piddly ass business class stuff on smaller puddle jumpers when you were going on a spring break trip down to Florida or something. No, this was traveling in style.
There was another interesting thing about sitting in first class. It meant everybody who was getting on the plane walked past us. And I noticed that a lot of guys who were walking past us were giving my wife the eye. Very interesting.
I tried to ignore it at first, but I felt a stirring down in my cock. I felt an excitement that was similar to what I'd felt earlier in the day when I realized that Winston was checking Lindsay out while in her bikini.
I looked to my soon-to-be bride and tried to imagine what it would be like as a guy looking at her for the first time. A guy in a crowd who just happened to catch a hot girl, just happened to have his eye drawn towards her as the eye of any red-blooded straight male was wont to do when confronted with an insanely attractive woman.
And there was no denying that Lindsay was looking insanely attractive as she sat there. She wore a pink tank top that molded perfectly to her body revealing a generous portion of her tits and her cleavage. Below she wore a pair of impossibly tight shorts that went up to her thighs revealing a generous portion of her tanned legs. The weather was just a little chilly for that sort of thing here, but she'd been adamant about dressing for the weather where we were going to be and it was going to be pretty fucking warm out on the islands. I licked my lips as I looked at her, and I saw her almost every day!
I could only imagine the sort of thoughts that would be running through a man's head seeing her for the first time. Damn was she hot. She was easily the hottest girl on the plane, and that was saying something since there seemed to be a lot of younger people hopping on for a vacation on the islands.
My cock was rock hard and throbbing. Thankfully the first-class seats we had were only two in a row so it was just me and Lindsay and nobody else to see my hard predicament.
I readjusted myself. It was going to be a very uncomfortable flight that had the potential to run into the double digits in terms of hours in the air if I was sitting here with a rock hard cock the entire time. And yet as I watched men looking at her, as I saw the obvious hunger in their eyes even if it was a brief up and down, I couldn't help myself.
I was so fucking rock hard thinking about them thinking about her. Fantasizing about what it would be like to be on top of my bride. Hell, I was fantasizing about my bride being so naughty that she would let one of those guys climb on top of her, whether it was one of the muscled blonde surfer dude types or an older guy who was obviously going on a vacation with the wife and kids. It didn't matter who it was or what he looked like, their looks were enough to fuel my fantasy. Thinking about what they were thinking about my future wife was enough to make me painfully aroused.
Lindsay looked over to me and cocked an eyebrow. "Something wrong?"
Now how the hell did a guy answer that question? I could just imagine it now. "Oh no honey, nothing's wrong at all. I'm just fantasizing about all the guys who are checking you out and imagining them fucking you and having a grand old time!"
Yeah, that wasn't the kind of conversation that you had with your future wife the night before she was scheduled to become your wife! I could just imagine things spiraling out of control from there to the point that we didn't even get married. I had visions of a shouting match starting on the plane getting us kicked off and anally probed by some bored TSA agent making minimum wage while he violated our constitutional rights and our asses in equal measure.
I don't know why I was thinking that way, there was nothing in our history to make me think Lindsay would react like that, but there was just something about the shame I was feeling about this fantasy. There was something about how taboo it was that made me think she wasn't going to react all that well. As ridiculous as that worry was.
I adjusted myself again. "No baby, nothing's wrong."
Though she caught the movement as I was adjusting myself. Her eyes ran down along my body in much the same way that some older guy who was walking past ran his eyes over her body which just made me at that much harder, that much more uncomfortable. Her eyes locked on my cock even as that guy's eyes locked on her cleavage. He wasn't even bothering to be discreet about it. Hell, he was old enough that he probably didn't care about discretion and the woman I assumed was his wife was so distracted that it's not like she was going to catch him anyways. He just continued staring as they walked past as though he could somehow see through her shirt if he just stared long enough. And at the same time Lindsay's eyes were locking onto my cock and she looked up to me and smiled.
I quickly moved my gaze back to my bride to be. I didn't want her catching me looking at other guys checking her out. That could very well result in that conversation that I wanted very much to avoid.
"Oh my," she said. "Are you really having that problem after our little interlude in the changing room earlier today?"
I grinned sheepishly. "What can I say? The thought of getting hitched to you has me so fucking excited!"
Okay, so that was a little bit of a lie. More than a little bit of a lie! It was one whopper of a lie, but I wasn't going to tell her the real reason I was so uncomfortably hard. And from the way her face lit up, from the way she smiled and bounced ever so slightly causing her tits to jiggle in a hypnotic way, she seemed to buy it. Which was fine with me.
"You naughty boy!"
/> "So what would you say to trying to join the mile high club?" I whispered.
She looked around and then back to me. Down to my cock and then back up to my face. She bit her lip in an oh so sexy expression that I loved. It showed that she was getting really fucking turned on. And seeing my future wife getting really fucking turned on never failed to get me really fucking turned on right along with her!
A mischievous twinkle came to her eyes as she glanced down to my cock and licked her lips. I loved it when that mischievous twinkle came to her eyes. It usually meant she was about to go along with whatever crazy thing I was suggesting.
"I'd love to join the mile high club with you baby," she said.
I leaned forward eagerly for a moment, but then I recognized that tone. That was a tone that said there was a "but" lurking somewhere close by.
She giggled.
"But we have our wedding tomorrow morning on the beach and I figured we'd have one hell of a celebration on our wedding night. I want to make sure you're at one hundred percent, and you've already had some fun today…"
I leaned back into my seat but didn't say anything. I didn't let out the frustrated groan I was feeling. No, I didn't want to ruin the moment.
It looked like I was going to be suffering for the nine to ten hour flight after all. I just had to find something to occupy my thoughts other than the idea of other men staring at my soon to be bride and lusting after her. I didn't know how I was going to do it, but I'd try.
It didn't help that Lindsay picked precisely that moment to cuddle up against me which just had my fantasy mind which was already running on overdrive kick into high gear. Damn! She felt so good cuddled up against me like that. It also didn't help that she started tracing a finger lightly up and down the length of my cock. Everyone had finished boarding at this point, and so there was nobody to see her little surreptitious movement. Especially the way she'd position herself.
Lindsay looked up at me and grinned as I was lost in thoughts of that beautiful smiling face looking up at another man as he plowed inside her. Damn. What a time to develop this fantasy. What a time for her to decide to be a little tease.
Yeah, it was going to be one hell of a long flight!
6: Dearly Beloved
I looked out across the assembled crowd, though it really wasn't much of an assembled crowd at all. My parents on one side and Lindsay's parents on the other. That had been another surprise I had waiting for her when we got out to the island. I'd put them up in the resort with the promise that they could see our wedding as long as they stayed out of our way for the honeymoon portion of things. They were all smiles, though my mom still had a little bit of a look of shell shocked surprise on her face.
And who could blame her? Her son had just become a millionaire overnight and offered to fly her out to the Hawaiian islands. It wasn't every day you got a call like that!
I looked at Lindsay staring up at me looking radiant. She was wearing that white bikini top we settled on yesterday. She was wearing the slightly scandalous bottoms as well, but they were covered in a gossamer white wrap that covered the more scandalous parts. I was just in a pair of black swim trunks. It was simple, but I absolutely loved it. She was positively beaming as she stared up at me, her hands in mine. I could feel the wedding ring on my finger, and it felt so odd after being engaged for so long. After waiting because we just didn't have the money to put together a ceremony.
I glanced out across the water. This was supposedly the resort's best spot for having marriages, and morning sunlight sparkled across the water. There was a blue sky above and fluffy clouds floating lazily by. There weren't even people out in the water yet to potentially ruin the view. It was, in short, absolutely perfect in every way.
I looked back to Lindsay and smiled.
"I now pronounce you man and wife."
I felt a chill run down my spine as I leaned in to kiss Lindsay. As I kissed her for the first time as her husband and not her fiancé or boyfriend. It felt the same as other kisses we'd had over the years, and yet somehow different at the same time. It set a fire raging inside me, and oddly enough it also had my cock stirring. There was something about the guy saying "man and wife" right before I kissed my gorgeous woman that set me off.
I pulled back and smiled at her as the string quartet off to one side started playing the traditional sendoff for a newly married couple. I wasn't sure of the name, just that it was the song you hear in all movies. Lindsay grinned and we clasped hands and walked back down the aisle with everybody clapping. Everybody being just our parents, but that was plenty enough crowd for me. I had a feeling there was going to be one hell of a crowd anyways when we had our big ceremony back home and invited everybody from both families.
We reached the end of the walkway, a white carpet that had been set down on the sand, and Lindsay pulled me into a huge hug. She surprised me by jumping on me, wrapping her legs around me, and then we were in the middle of a far more thorough kiss than anything we'd done up there at the altar.
When she pulled away I was breathing heavily and my cock was definitely pressing against her with interest. Damn!
"So how does it feel being a married woman?"
"Amazing!" she said.
I glanced over to our parents walking towards us and then up to the resort. "I do have one regret though…"
Concern flooded Lindsay's face and I regretted the joke before I'd even made it. "What? What's wrong? You don't think you made a mistake, did you?"
"Nothing like that!" I said. "I just think that scheduling a morning ceremony was a mistake. It means we have all day to go before we get to enjoy the wedding night!"
Lindsay laughed and leaned in to kiss me again. A quite thorough kiss that I enjoyed quite thoroughly, thank you very much. She pulled away and then put her finger on my nose.
"Don't worry," she said. "It'll be here before you know it, and besides it's not like it's anything you haven't had before!"
"Oh but it is something I've never had before," I said. "This will be the first time I've ever been with a married woman!"
She giggled and kissed me once more before our parents were upon us.
We had to sit through a congratulatory lunch where Lindsay's dad insisted on paying for everything despite how expensive the place was. I tried to tell him that it wasn't a problem for me to handle the bill, but he was having none of it. I hoped this sort of financial pissing match wasn't going to become a regular thing.
Then we finally managed to get away in the early afternoon. I'd thought about retiring to the hotel room to have a little bit of fun, but Lindsay was insistent on hitting the beach. And I figured why not? We were on our honeymoon and we were in Hawaii. It was supposed to be some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, and we were at one of the most expensive resorts on an island with some of the most beautiful beaches in the world which meant I had a feeling we were in for one hell of a treat when we got out there.
So I gave in. I was feeling post wedding euphoria that would've had me going along with just about anything she suggested. That had me wondering if she'd go along with just about anything I suggested which mostly boiled down to a certain fantasy that had become an obsession recently, but I chased those thoughts out of my mind.
This was my wedding day. It was a time to enjoy my wife and not obsess over other men enjoying my wife. Now if only my brain and cock would get that memo and go along with it.
7: The Beach
"Damn you look amazing baby!"
"You think so?" Lindsay asked.
"I don't think so, I know so!"
That wasn't an understatement. I moved up behind Lindsay as she stood in front of the full-length mirror admiring herself in the bikini she'd just worn at our wedding. The gossamer thingamajig that was covering her bottoms was gone so now she was standing there in her full glory looking absolutely amazing.
She looked even more amazing because she was in the suit she'd worn when we got hitche
My cock nestled in between her ass cheeks as I pressed up against her and wrapped my arms around her smooth stomach. I was in heaven knowing that Lindsay and her incredible body were all mine. My wife had such a gorgeous petite frame, but down below she had an ass to die for and up above she had an incredible pair of tits that made me want to bury my face in between them and motorboat her until I passed out from lack of breath. I could bury my face in her cleavage and lick and suck her gorgeous globes all day long.
Right now there was nothing that I wanted more than to do just that, but I knew it was going to have to wait until the end of the day. And that was driving me crazy.
The whole gorgeous package was barely contained by a barely there white bikini. Sure I saw her wearing practically nothing on a regular basis, it's not like it was much different from seeing her in her underwear, but there was just something different about this bikini. Something different about knowing that this was the bikini that had sparked that fantasy at the mall yesterday. That this was the suit she wore when we got married.
Already I could feel my cock strain against her, pressing against her.
Lindsay giggled and turned to look up at me, her bright green eyes flashing as she smiled.
"You naughty boy!" she said. "I told you we can have that sort of fun later. Right now I want to get down to the beach!"
I paused for a moment to take a deep breath, to inhale her scent. It was a mixture of her shampoo, some sort of lotion she always put on, and suntan lotion she'd slathered on just to be safe. One thing about being stuck in an office job rather than having time to work on your tan was that being out in the sun, particularly the bright sun on an island in the middle of the Pacific ocean, could play havoc on your skin and make the whole thing a miserable trip if you managed to get a sunburn on your first day.