Stolen Innocence: A Hotwife Novella Read online

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  But what if there'd been something in the past? What if I'd completely misread the situation? What if I was wrong about Ben, about her?

  I found myself getting hard again. Getting hard at seeing the two of them standing so close to one another. It was as though my cock was betraying me, completely and utterly, and I was so fucking turned on!

  Again, it was so fucked up. I didn't know how to react, and so for that reason probably more than anything else I just watched. I waited to see what they were going to talk about. Waited to see if maybe their conversation would reveal more about this secret past that I'd never known about, but was suddenly very interested in.

  "I don't care if you didn't care for the rules then," she said. "That was exactly why…"

  She trailed off, but it didn't seem he was in the mood to let her off the hook. Which was just fine with me. I was very interested in hearing whatever it was she'd been about to say.

  "The reason why what, Diana?"

  She shook her head and turned away from him, but from my vantage point I didn't miss that she seemed to be blushing. Very interesting.

  "Never mind," she said.

  I felt another jolt run through me, a chill that ran straight down my spine and to the tip of my cock, as he reached out and grabbed her cheek. Pulled her back towards him in a move that wasn't exactly gentle, but it wasn't exactly forceful at the same time.

  I tensed myself, ready to jump into the room and to her rescue if it was needed, but she actually smiled. I blinked again. That wasn't the reaction I was looking for. That definitely wasn't what I expected. Maybe a yell, maybe a slap, maybe yelling at him to get the fuck away from her, but not a smile.

  "What were you about to say, Diana?" he asked.

  "You know exactly what I was about to say," she said.

  I was screaming inside my head. She needed to say whatever it was. She needed to make this unspoken dialogue passing between the two of them explicit. I needed to know what the hell it was they were talking about, because there definitely seemed to be some sort of secret past thing going on here. I wanted to scream as he shrugged and seemed to accept that unspoken confirmation.

  "I'd always wondered about that," he said. "You couldn't handle the bad boy."

  She shook her head. "It wasn't that. My father…"

  He chuckled. "Yeah, I know the score there. Easier for you to go for what's nice and safe, right?"

  I felt a spike of anger at his words. That sounded suspiciously like he was talking about me! Then again, leave it to him to work in any opportunity to insult me. I would've done the same if I was talking about him. I was gratified to see Diana also color, anger coming to her face, as she advanced on him. I also didn't miss how her advancing on him brought their bodies incredibly close. That didn't seem to be lost on him either from the way his eyes raked up and down my fiancées body.

  She seemed to realize exactly what she was doing at the last moment as well, and so she brought herself up short just before their bodies were pressing together. Oddly enough I found myself more disappointed than anything else that she didn't finish advancing on him until their bodies were pressing together. Damn. What the hell was going on in my brain? Why wouldn't this fucked up fantasy leave me alone?

  "That's not true and you know it! That whole "bad boy" thing you always bring up isn't the only reason we never happen, and you know it!"

  I felt as though I'd been punched in the gut. The "reason they never happened." It seemed like my fiancée had a couple of very good reasons why they never dated, I'd never known them dating was even a possibility before today, and it also seemed she was willing to leap to my defense which I figured was a good sign. Still, that there had ever been a "we" between the two of them in the first place that never happened was one hell of a surprise.

  "Well that has nothing to do with me being up here anyways," Ben said, abruptly pivoting and shifting the subject from the very heavy conversation they were having. I blinked again. How was he able to change the subject like that?

  It seemed that Diana was just as surprised. She blinked.

  "What are you talking about?"

  Ben shook his head and started walking around the room. He leaned down and trailed his fingers along the plastic cushioning on those combination bench and storage chests running along the outside wall just below the windows. He tapped his fingers against them repeatedly, it sounded like little drops of rain hitting the plastic upholstery, and he had one ear cocked as though he was listening for something.

  He looked up to Diana and that stupid grin was still plastered across his face.

  "You need me," he said.

  "That'll be the day," Diana said with a derisive snort, but I noticed she had an odd look on her face as she said that, almost as though she agreed with him but didn't want to admit it.

  "But it's true," he said. "You need me. You just don't know it."

  Diana crossed her arms under her breasts which caused them to rise up in a very distracting way. I licked my lips as I watched Ben's expression, and it was obvious from the way he looked her up and down that he didn't miss how her delicious body was on display. I wondered if she realized what she was doing, but dismissed it almost immediately. That couldn't possibly be the case. She was too innocent. Too naive.

  "There's an interesting thing about being a notorious rule breaker back in the day," he said.

  Diana rolled her eyes. "I know. I wondered why they even let you chaperone one of these things considering…"

  "Because my niece was here, and it's not like they're going to turn me away and upset her," Ben said. "Besides, I'm not here to use my powers for evil anymore. No, the villain has turned a new leaf. It's time to use my powers for good!"

  "Your powers? What are you talking about?" Diana asked.

  "What I'm talking about," Ben said as he made his way along the row of wooden cabinets that ran floor-to-ceiling across the back end of the room, knocking on them as he went. "Is that all of you are so goody-two-shoes that it'd never occurred to you that somebody might be trying to break the rules. No, what it takes to catch a thief is a thief…"

  And with that he opened the door revealing a very terrified looking teenager staring out, eyes wide. A terrified teenager who was definitely a guy, and not one of the girls who were supposed to be hanging out in here.

  "Why hello," Ben said. "Of course there would be one in here. It's too easy."

  "How did you…" the kid said.

  Ben clicked his tongue and shook his head as though he was disappointed in the kid. He reached out and patted him on the shoulder, and then pulled him out.

  "Amateur hour," Ben said. "I was the one who invented this damn trick. You're talking to the master, kid."

  "Trevor!" Diana said, hands going to her hips. "What are you… No, never mind. It's obvious what you were doing. But why?"

  Now that he was caught Trevor seemed willing to talk.

  "Why you think?"

  Diana shook her head and opened her mouth, looked like she was about to really rip into him, but Ben stepped in.

  "Get going kid," he said. "And don't try to pull this again, or we're going to report this to somebody who might actually be able to make trouble for you."

  Trevor looked back and forth between Diana and Ben in disbelief, not quite seeming to understand that he was getting a reprieve. Hell, I couldn't believe he was getting a reprieve. I held my breath, waiting for Diana to say something that would stop him from getting away, but for a surprise she didn't.

  Trevor turned and bolted for the door, which necessitated me scrambling away and realizing that all the doors to other rooms in this hall had been locked to keep kids from sneaking in here and doing exactly what Trevor was just trying to do. I had a moment of panic as I realized I was out in the open, but luck was with me. The kid was in such a panic that he wasn't exactly paying attention to his surroundings. He turned in the opposite direction from where I was hiding and ran off around a corner.

  I let out
a sigh of relief I didn't realize I'd been holding in. Damn. That had been close.

  7: Carried Away

  As soon as he was gone I scrambled back over to the door and peered in, praying that I didn't miss any of their conversation. Particularly when it was getting so interesting. I also felt vindicated. I'd always suspected there was more going on at these things than they realized, that was part of the reason why I had my surprise for later tonight, only it looked like Ben had gotten there and proven it first. Sure he'd done it by giving up an old secret he'd used when he was younger, but still.

  I was irritated that he was the one who exposed the fact that these things were less than innocent rather than me. I'd been looking forward to having some fun with Diana's dad over that reveal.

  Of course they'd let him go, so it's not like it was going to be revealed at all. I could still catch someone else, maybe. There was still later tonight. If one kid was caught sneaking around then there had to be more. I just hoped this one getting caught didn't put the fear of God into the rest of them, though that was probably likely to happen now.

  Damn it. Even when he didn't realize what he was doing, Ben was a fucking thorn in my side!

  I turned my attention back into the room. Back to the conversation going on in there. It looked like I hadn't missed much.

  "I can't believe you used to sneak in here like that!" Diana said.

  She sounded scandalized, but at the same time she sounded more interested than anything else. She was leaning forward, and she definitely had an intrigued look on her face if I knew my fiancée's emotions at all. No, she was more fascinated than anything else by this sudden admission that Ben had been up to no good back in the day. I thought back to their conversation a few minutes ago about his bad boy act and wondered if my fiancee wasn't more drawn to that than she liked to admit.

  "What can I say? It was a fun time!"

  "And no one ever caught you?"

  Ben laughed. "Are you kidding? It was a dark room and none of the chaperones ever did more than glance in from the doorway," he said. "It's more their fault than anything else that I was able to get away with it. Talk about letting the fox into the henhouse!"

  "So why are you telling us about this now?" she asked.

  Ben shrugged. "I'm not telling everyone. I'm telling you. Big difference. Besides, I got mine. Why should I worry about the little shits today? If they're not smart enough to come up with their own game that's their problem, not mine."

  From my hiding spot I rolled my eyes. That was a such a typical been response. Looking out for himself and not caring what happened to other people. Even if t hat kid probably deserved to get caught Ben was still a prick.

  Diana shook her head and sat on one of those combination storage units and benches.

  "How long did you get away with it?"

  Ben shrugged. "Does it really matter? There's no point dwelling on the past, even if it was a fun past."

  He grinned again. Once again I had no way of knowing if he was actually telling the truth, but it seemed pretty far-fetched that he would come up with this whole thing on the spot. Particularly when there was the undeniable evidence of his past misdeeds in the form of that kid he'd just found in the storage closet.

  "Who with?"

  "Again, I don't think that really matters Diana," he said. "All that really matters is that I never got with the one girl I really wanted."

  Diana looked up at him, suddenly sharp and laser focused. "What are you talking about?"

  He took a seat beside her on the bench. They were illuminated by fading sunlight streaming in through the stained glass window behind them. Diana looked so beautiful sitting there. And I was so turned on watching her sitting so close to another man, even if that man was Ben the asshole.

  "I think you know who I'm talking about Diana," he said. "There was only one girl who I could never get. One girl who was always out of reach…"

  "And with good reason," she said. "My dad…"

  "Your dad shouldn't control what you do now Diana," he said. "You're a grown woman, and you should be able to make your own decisions. Even if you don't realize it. Even if other people in your life refuse to help you break free."

  I frowned at that jab, but I suppose it was to be expected. Besides, I was more aroused than angry. I was very interested to see where this was going. They were so close. All it would take was for him to lean forward maybe an inch and they would be touching.

  "Diana," he said. "You're so beautiful, and it's such a shame you're…"

  She held up a hand. "Stop it. I don't want to hear that, not again. Not from you, considering… It's bad enough that I get it from my fiancée!"

  "But it's true! You could be so amazing Diana! You could feel so amazing! Surely you remember that one night…"

  "That's exactly why you need to stop," she said. "Exactly why we need to go back to the gym."

  Diana might be thinking they needed to go back to the gym, but I was thinking they needed to continue this conversation. I needed to know what she was talking about. What night? It seemed like there was a whole world of secrets when it came to my future wife and Ben that I didn't know about, and I wanted to suss out those secrets. I wanted to find out exactly what was going on between the asshole and my fiancée. I wanted to know what it was she hadn't been telling me all these years. It was killing me not knowing.

  I held my breath as he moved a hand up and brushed a strand of hair away from her face. I waited to see what her reaction would be. Would she smack him? Would she yell at him?

  No, once more I found myself surprised as instead she closed her eyes and took a deep breath as his hand moved from that strand of hair down her ear, down to her neck. I knew exactly how she loved when I touched her like that, and apparently Ben somehow knew as well. From some past experience?

  I just didn't know, and not knowing was driving me insane.

  This was another one of those situations where I knew I should be playing the jealous boyfriend. My mind was screaming at me to run in there and start screaming at them. To separate them before things went too far.

  But there was also that obsession. That part of me that had constant images of my fiancée with another man flashing through my head. That part of me that was so fucking turned on by watching them together. That part of me that didn't believe I'd get to see this in person because I didn't think Diana would ever get a chance to get with Ben in the first place. I'd certainly had never anticipated that she would react like this if she did get with him!

  "You have no idea how many times I wished you were the one sitting next to me in this room instead of some other girl," he said.

  I couldn't believe it. He was talking about getting with other women? That was his big move he was using to try and seduce Diana? That seemed like the most ridiculous thing in the world, and yet at the same time I couldn't argue with results.

  Rather than getting pissed off at him, she was leaning forward and practically purring. And as he mentioned other girls her eyes suddenly went wide, a sharp look on her face.

  "You were thinking of me while you were with other girls?"

  "Always Diana," he said. "You've been my obsession for so long, the one I could never have, and it's always driven me nuts!" His face softened. "If I'm being perfectly honest here, and this is something I don't normally do with girls but there's something about you Diana, I think that a part of the reason why I get into it so much with your fiancé is precisely because he has you and I don't."

  I had to seriously fight the urge not to roll my eyes and let out a groan. Was he serious? Was she actually going to fall for that bullshit line? It was obvious to me that he was lying, that he was feeding her exactly what she wanted to hear, that he was making out as some forbidden goddess that he never got a chance to enjoy.

  And yet it seemed like she was falling for it. Hook, line, and sinker. I figured Diana of all girls wouldn't fall for his pickup artist ways, but it looked like he was playing her like a familiar i
nstrument. It looked like she was reacting just like he wanted from the small smile that played across his face that she didn't notice, but I sure as hell did!

  "You're just flattering me," Diana sighed, but that sigh made it pretty damn obvious she was enjoying the flattery.

  "Oh it's not flattery to compliment a perfect goddess like you Diana," he said. "How I wanted to kiss along your neck..."

  Then the real surprise came. As he said that, more of a mumble than anything else, he used his finger on her shoulder to pull her hair aside and then his lips were brushing against her neck. And rather than smacking him away she arched her head to the side to give him better access! Shit!

  It's probably a good thing I told him there was no bet, because if I had made a bet it was pretty damn obvious I was about to lose. Then again, wasn't I sort of losing now anyways considering my fiancee was in there letting another man kiss her neck?

  No, if my cock had anything to say about it then I definitely wasn't losing out. No, I was so rock hard, my cock was throbbing so painfully in my pants, that there was no doubt in my mind I was winning as I watched him kissing along her neck even if that was the last thing in the world that should have turned me on.

  He was still muttering into her neck as he kissed her. And she was still sighing gently as his lips brushed against her smooth skin.

  "You have no idea how often I wanted to feel my lips…"

  He didn't exactly complete his sentence, but it's not like he needed to. He made it completely obvious what it was he'd longed to do for so very long with his lips as he pulled her towards him. As their lips pressed together.

  Once more I found myself waiting for the explosion, but this time I wasn't exactly surprised when it didn't come. Not exactly.

  At least not in the way I was expecting. There was definitely some heat in there, but no explosion. No, she actually moaned into his mouth and then her arm was wrapping around the back of his head and pulling him into a kiss. Their mouths opened to one another and she was sighing as they launched into a brief makeout session.


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