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The Hotwife Hack: A Hotwife Novella Page 4
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Only I didn’t know if she was actually going to play along. I didn’t know if my punishment would include not getting the opportunity to actually watch her with another man. I hadn’t asked for fear of what the answer would be and she wasn’t offering any answers either.
Honestly I’d be fine whatever she chose, but I really hoped that I would get to watch. Just knowing she was up in this hotel somewhere with some guy would be enough to give me a raging hard on that would last for months no matter how much sex we had or how many times I jerked off, but at the same time it would be so much more delicious if I got to watch the forbidden dance as she allowed herself to be seduced by another man.
I turned my attention back to my wife. She really did look stunning. That dress clung to her body and it was low cut at the top showing off her incredible tits that still defied gravity even after having a couple of kids. She had a slim body from spending plenty of time in the gym after those kids and if anything she was in better shape now than when we first met which was saying something since she’s always been a fitness and sports type.
There was something else about her that was even more sexy though. It was the way she was holding herself. It made it absolutely clear that she wasn’t the mom with two kids I knew who’d never go for this sort of thing, which incidentally was part of the reason I’d been terrified about bringing this fantasy up in the first place.
Of course even if she was playing the Madison part pretty well it wasn’t perfect. She looked over at me and grinned and I saw my wife there and not the fantasy seductress. Just for a moment, but it was comforting to know she was still there under the layers of fantasy we were exploring tonight.
Someone else walked in and her expression changed again. It wasn’t our guy, but for the briefest of moments she looked a little worried. A little unsure of herself. A little vulnerable. It was a reminder that the risk-averse lady I fell in love with was still lurking there just under the surface. Seeing that vulnerability made me wonder if she was going to even go through with it.
I know I should’ve been relieved by the idea that she wouldn’t go through with it, but all I felt at that thought was frustration.
Movement at the door. I looked over and my breath caught even as I felt a tightening in my stomach that went right along with a tightening in my balls. I’d recognize the guy in a crowd considering all the time I’d spent sending messages back and forth in my fucked up bid to realize my fantasy of seeing my wife with other men without actually having the balls to reveal the fantasy to her.
Kevin was here. His eyes scanned the bar and ran right over me. I looked away anyways, though why would he know me? He thought the person he’d been talking to online was the gorgeous girl sitting at the bar in the tight fitting red dress that was cut low up top and high down below showing off every delicious curve of her body.
There was no way for him to know that I was as much the real Madison as my wife was putting on her act as she smiled at him without a hint of uncertainty. He had no way of knowing that the person he’d been corresponding with was a guy sitting in a secluded corner of the bar.
He made a beeline for my wife and as I looked at her I realized that Madison had completely taken control. Ashley wasn’t there any longer. No, this was the fantasy version of my wife who had come out to play and my cock was completely rock hard as I watched.
I drank in every detail. I’d fantasized about this moment for so very long and now that it was happening it was almost too much for me. I felt as though I was in very real danger of blowing a load in my pants just from watching them come together. From watching him wrap his arms around her in a familiar hug that was still just a little stiff on my wife’s end, but after a moment she melted into it.
I reflected on how fucked up this was. This guy thought the woman standing before him was some sort of temptress. A seductress who was stepping out on her husband. Meanwhile here I was sitting and watching and thinking about our correspondences and all the things he said he’d like to do to her. I thought about the very real possibility that all of that might be happening very soon and then I had to think about baseball or anything other than the thought of my wife’s petite body under this guy because once more I was in very real danger of coming in my pants and ruining the evening’s fun before it had even started.
I needed to calm it down. I took a sip of my drink and watched, wondering what the night was going to bring. Ashley was gone. Madison was in control now. I’d created a monster, and it was time to see what happened when she was set loose on the world.
6: Big Reveal
Keep it together Ashley. Or I guess it would be more accurate to think “keep it together Madison.”
Yeah, that worked. That made this easier. I was still fighting against a very strong instinct that was telling me this was wrong. Telling me that I was cheating on my husband even though he was on the other side of the room nursing a strong drink and watching everything that was happening.
This had to be one hell of a turn on for him. I hated to admit it to myself, but it was one hell of a turn on for me too. It’s not that I was unhappy in my relationship with Derek. Not exactly. It’s just that we’d been together for so long that there was a familiarity there. It was almost as though we’d settled into a rut over the years and never even realized it.
What I was about to do with this Kevin guy was new. It was different. It was bringing back the feelings of a new crush, a new relationship, that I’d almost forgotten it had been so long since I was first with my husband. It was as though there was an old fire that had burned down to the embers and I never realized it until it had suddenly flared spectacularly and violently back to life when I started thinking about what I was going to do this weekend.
I was Madison. I was the woman from my husband’s messages. I’d read through a lot of them in the past week as I was preparing for this night, still not quite believing that I was actually going to go through with this and that Derek was going to sit by and let me do it, and the more I read of those correspondences the hotter I got thinking about trying out some of the things he was talking about in his messages.
Yeah, the more I thought about this fantasy the more it grew on me. Getting the chance to step out on my husband and he didn’t want permission to do the same? Talk about a sweet deal. I still didn’t quite understand the fantasy, but I could definitely get behind it.
Or I could let some other guy get behind me in service of the fantasy.
I blinked and then I remembered he was talking to me. Damn. That was going to take some getting used to. This whole assuming a secret identity thing was definitely a pain in the ass. I didn’t know how people who did this sort of thing because they were legitimately cheating could keep track of everything because I’d only been at it for less than thirty seconds and already I was screwing it up!
I smiled up at him from my spot reclining on a bar stool and hoped the smile conveyed sexiness rather than some of the queasiness I was feeling considering I was about to cross the line from fantasy into actually cheating on my husband. It still very much felt like cheating even with permission, and I realized that was going to be a hump I’d have to get over before I’d be able to hump with a clean conscience.
Assuming things even got that far. There was still one hell of a test to come. I’d have to see how he reacted when I did the big reveal of the evening.
“And you must be Kevin,” I said. “So nice to meet you finally after… everything.”
He went ahead and took a seat at the bar and ordered a drink while also topping off mine. Interesting. It seemed that Kevin was interested in getting me a little drunk, which was just fine by me considering I needed a good stiff drink with everything I was doing tonight.
“I was starting to wonder if this meeting was ever going to happen,” he said.
“Why would you say that?”
“Just something about the way you always wanted to chat but you always put me off
when I mentioned meeting up in person. It made sense considering we lived so close, but I was starting to think you were getting cold feet.”
“Well it is a big step,” I said. Though of course he had no idea just how big a step this actually was. He wasn’t getting a woman who was set on cheating on her husband. He was getting a nice innocent housewife who’d never even considered something like this before I found those messages and decided to get a little revenge. Definitely not what was advertised on the profile this guy fell for.
“True, but I was about to write you off entirely when you sent me that message. Let’s just say I was pleasantly surprised.”
Kevin’s eyes ran up and down my body leaving no doubt just how pleasantly surprised he was. I blushed and I felt warm as his eyes ran up and down. Sure I saw guys checking me out and Derek still looked at me with pure lust every once in awhile, but there was something about the pure sex that was promised in that smoldering hungry look that set me on fire all over again. That was a look that promised things I’d never dared to consider, and it brought up feelings that had been lying dormant within me ever since I got married and thought that part of my life was over for good.
Those feelings were coming back with a vengeance now though. Now that it seemed that part of my life, the flirting and the seduction and the new feelings of finding someone you were into, weren’t quite as over as I’d initially thought!
“So does meeting in a hotel mean what I’m hoping it means?”
“Well that’s awfully forward of you,” I said, but it was in a flirty tone. Meeting in a hotel meant exactly what he hoped it meant. I was out for a bit of revenge, after all, and I figured this guy was going to get lucky unless there was something seriously wrong with him. So far so good though. So far it looked like we were prepped for launch and ready to go.
He shrugged and grinned. It was a sexy grin that said he wasn’t sorry at all. “Considering how we met I figured it was a fair assumption. I’m guessing you’re not on that site because you’re looking for a relationship. I know I’m not.”
“So why are you cheating on your wife?” I asked. I wanted to wince. I wanted to kick myself for saying that. That seemed like the last thing I should be bringing up when I was out here supposedly cheating on my husband as well. Addressing the elephant in the bar seemed like an idiotic thing.
Kevin grimaced and looked away for a moment, but for a miracle I held steady instead of standing up and kicking myself right in front of this guy. I was Madison. I was in control here. This guy wanted to get with me and if he wanted to get with me then he was going to answer my questions.
“Y’know we’ve covered all of this in our messages,” he said. “Do we really have to go over it again here?”
“Let’s just say I’m curious, and I want to hear it directly from you. No hiding behind text this time,” I said. I wondered if he’d go for it. He looked to the door and I had a moment of panic thinking I’d screwed everything up. Thinking he was going to bolt and that would be that. Then he turned back at me, looked me up and down once more in a move that made it clear he was trying to decide if a night with me would be worth pouring his heart out, and sighed.
“I suppose that’s fair,” he said. “The truth is my wife isn’t stepping out on me or anything like what I said online.”
I arched an eyebrow. Now this was interesting. It was also putting the evening in danger in a completely different way. If it turned out the situation I read about with his wife cheating on him and him wanting to get a little revenge of his own wasn’t true then I was going to have a hard time justifying sleeping with the guy. Still, I figured it would be best to hear him out and keep an open mind.
“Go on,” I said.
“The truth is she’s decided that our sex life is over,” he said. “We went from having sex all the time before we were married to maybe once a week. Then it was once a month, and now it’s been six months since I’ve actually gotten laid.”
“With anyone or with your wife?” I asked.
“With my wife. Before that it was three months. It’s like every time we have sex the time between doubles. It’s getting to the point where I’m in very real danger of going years without getting laid if I don’t get something on the side to try and maintain my sanity,” he said.
“So why not divorce her?”
“Honestly? The no sex thing stems from some issues she has that I’d rather not get into here. Suffice it to say I love her and I feel sorry for her, feel like I should honor that “through sickness and health” part even if I’m not exactly being a stickler to the forsaking all others part of our vows.”
Well then. That wasn’t exactly the scenario that he’d laid out online, but it was definitely something I didn’t have to feel bad about. Of course he could still be spinning me an epic line of bullshit, but there was something about the way he’d been brutally honest right out of the gate when I started questioning him, something about how sincere he seemed as he looked into my eyes, that made me feel like this wasn’t just a line he was using. This wasn’t just another convenient story.
No, this felt like the truth, and that was enough for me even if there wasn’t any way I’d be able to track any of the details down for verification. It’s not like I was going to ask to talk to his wife or anything like that.
“I suppose that’s a fair enough story even if you did lie just a little,” I said with a sexy smile. I ran my fingers around the top of my glass and his eyes went down to that subtle motion. I hoped he was imagining what I was going to do to him with those fingers. That was the intention, at least. It was an old move I hadn’t had a reason to bring out since I’d been dating Derek.
Then again I was using all sorts of old moves I hadn’t had any reason to bust out in years. Like leaning forward ever so slightly to give him a good view. A good view that he took full advantage of which sent a thrill running through me.
“What about you? What’s your story? Any different from what you told me online?”
Shit. Houston we have a problem. I couldn’t remember what story Derek had used with this guy. I’d spent the past couple of days going through so many messages, so many picture exchanges, getting hotter and hotter with every one, that I genuinely couldn’t recall which story Derek had used with this guy.
Then again I suppose I was going to have to come clean at some point in the evening, it was just a question of when. Why not now? We’d only been chatting here for a couple of minutes so it meant he wasn’t wasting too much of his time if he heard the truth and decided he wasn’t interested. Still, there was a selfish part of me that was enjoying this back and forth. There was a selfish part of me that looked at him, saw how sexy he was, thought about the situation he was in, and I very much wanted to help him out with that situation if you catch my drift.
The only problem was that coming clean, being completely honest like he’d supposedly been with me, meant there was a very real risk that this was all going to come crashing down and I’d have to move on to one of the other interesting but not-quite-as-sexy gentlemen in the little online cheating harem my husband had created.
I didn’t want to move on to another guy. I wanted this guy.
Still, there was nothing for it but to come clean if I was going to come clean. I suppose it would be better to rip that bandage off now rather than waiting until later when the disappointment would be greater.
“Actually I’m here with my husband tonight. This whole thing is a plot to get a little bit of revenge on him and I was hoping you’d be able to help me out.”
There. It was out there. Kevin blinked and glanced over to the side of the room where Derek was sitting nursing his drink. Derek, for his part, looked just as surprised to see the attention suddenly turning on him. It was obvious he’d been staring at us intently, though Kevin probably hadn’t noticed the creepy guy in the corner checking us out until I pointed him out. Derek smiled sheepishly and waved.
“Are you serious?”
“Totally,” I said. “So are you interested?”
Kevin glanced over at Derek again and then his attention returned to me. His eyes ran up and down my body again and it was clear that for the second or third time that evening he was weighing his options. Trying to decide if a night with me was worth the giant monkey wrench I’d just thrown in the middle of our fun evening.
“Let’s just say I’m going to keep an open mind while you tell me exactly what’s going on here. That seems only fair considering how I just spilled my heart out to you.”
That did seem fair enough. So I told him the whole sordid tale. How my husband created a profile on that site without my knowledge because he had a secret fantasy about watching me fuck another guy. That was worth a raised eyebrow from Kevin, but he didn’t say any more than that. It’s not like he could say much about the fantasy if he was going to be the one directly benefiting from it.
I went over how I found it after the hack and he grimaced. He was probably worried that he was going to be found out, and yet here he was still using the service. I wondered if hearing the story of another man getting caught in the wide net that hack had cast was making him wonder if his own security wasn’t as good as the thought it was.
Finally I finished with my revenge plan that wasn’t really a revenge plan so much as it was something I thought of in the moment to make sure he was being sincere about this fantasy that had quickly spiraled out of control into a revenge plot that was more of a “be careful what you wish for” cautionary tale for my husband than anything else.