Summer Lovers: A Hotwife Novel Page 4
I had to know.
I just had to figure out a way to figure it out. Without making Michelle suspect something or pissing her off for falsely accusing her of something.
Talk about fucking complicated!
5: Dangerous Ideas
My next opportunity to dig a little deeper into the mystery of the rumor mill came just a couple of days later. I stepped into the air-conditioned break shack and let out a sigh of relief. There was nothing like stepping in there after spending time out in the eighty degree weather.
Sure it's not like I was wearing heavy clothes or anything, but it still got hot out there with the sun beating down constantly.
I looked around the break room and immediately zeroed in on the one person there.
I smiled and turned to look out the door real quick. There was nobody coming. And so I moved over and took a seat at his table. He looked up from his phone and grinned.
"How's it going man?" he asked.
"Pretty damn good," I said. "How about you?"
He shrugged. It was as though a massive giant was shrugging. His shoulders were that broad. He really did look like something out of an old black-and-white photo you might see of a bodybuilder. The guy was stacked. I suppose I could see where Samantha and Jennifer thought he was attractive.
Where Michelle might think he was attractive, for that matter.
I paused for a moment and tried to think how best to proceed. Once more, as with Michelle, I didn't want to give too much away. I didn't want to let on that I knew anything both because there was a good chance there was nothing to let on about, and because at the same time if there was anything going on I didn't want to piss him off with accusations or anything.
Of course there was one way I could have this conversation without arousing too much suspicion. I grinned. It was time to shoot the shit about my girlfriend like I was one of the guys, because as far as Jeff and the rest of the world knew that’s all I was.
"So I just saw Michelle when I was walking back here," I said. "Looked like she was going to that manager’s shack she has."
He looked up from his phone. Grinned. And actually set the thing down. Well that was something, at least. I had his attention.
"Really now? I wish I'd seen that! God I love watching her walk around this place. That ass is so hot in that suit!"
"Yeah, I know what you're talking about," I replied.
Boy did I ever know exactly what he was talking about! I figured it was a damn good thing I decided to sit at the table. Otherwise the embarrassing situation between my legs would’ve been very obvious. I didn't want him to think I was getting a hard on looking at him.
No, I was getting a hard on listening to another man talking about how hot my girlfriend was and not being able to say anything about it because of the whole secrecy thing.
"What I wouldn't give to have a little one-on-one time with her in that manager’s shack," I said.
I trailed off at that. I figured I'd let him go from there. If anything was going to get a reaction out of him it would be that line. He looked up and grinned. A huge shit eating grin. A grin that had me on guard. It had me breathing in anticipation. I felt tightness in my chest at that smile. Was he about to admit something?
"I can only imagine," he said. "Feeling those legs wrapped around me while I have her down on her desk? Talk about hot!"
Damn. Either he was just as skillful at admitting to something while not admitting to anything as Michelle was, or he was oblivious. The problem was I had no way to tell which one it was.
Why wouldn't either of them just come out and admit to this? Probably because I was too chicken to just come out and ask them about it.
"Yeah, that sounds so fucking hot," I said. "Can you imagine throwing everything off her desk and pounding her with her suit still on? Talk about fucking hot!"
I knew exactly how fucking hot it was precisely because I'd done it before. It had been really fun. Particularly knowing she'd walked around the park for the rest of the day in that suit I'd fucked her in. One of her first stops after we got done was to jump into the lazy river for a moment. Supposedly to help someone who was struggling, but really because she wanted her entire suit to be wet so nothing leaking out of her looked suspicious for the rest of the day.
I smiled thinking of those memories.
"Yeah, that's living," he said.
"So why don't you go for it?" I asked.
I felt tightness gripping my chest. My cock stood to attention even harder than it had ever been. It was an almost painful erection down there under the table.
Why the hell had I gone and said something ridiculous like that? Why was I encouraging this guy to go after my girl?
Because I was thinking where this conversation might lead. To him smiling and saying he didn't have to try. That he'd already done it. Only instead he got a thoughtful expression on his face. He stared off into space. He still had that stupid grin on his face as well.
I narrowed my eyes. I didn't think a big muscle head like him would be as good at covering things up as this. Or was it possible he really was oblivious? Was it possible he really hadn't done anything with my girlfriend, and now I'd practically sent him after her?
Damn it. I really wished I knew the truth. I wish I'd had the balls to just ask Michelle, but of course I wasn't going to do that. Not and risk what we had. Assuming it wasn't already at risk with her cheating on me.
"You know I've thought about it," he said. "I just never made any move."
"Really? A guy like you? I figured you could have any girl in the place."
I didn't believe a word he was saying. It's entirely possible he hadn't made a move on Michelle, but at the same time it was entirely possible he was just keeping his big mouth shut because he knew he’d be putting her job and his on the line if he admitted to anything.
I'd been damn good about keeping things quiet. Covering things up. So who's to say he wasn't doing the same?
I tapped my fingers against the table. They made a loud rapping noise. I always did that when I was nervous. And I was ridiculously nervous right now.
“What can I say? I like my job, and I’m pretty sure she likes hers.”
That might make me feel better if it weren’t for the pesky fact that I knew she didn’t care enough about her job to keep herself from banging a coworker. I was living proof of that. Now I needed proof that Jeff was also living proof of that, damn it.
"Yeah, I guess that rule about not dating managers is a pretty strict one. Stan would come down on you pretty hard for that."
"Hell yeah he would," Jeff said. He shook his head and chuckled. "But if anyone is worth getting fired over, it would definitely be Michelle. The way she moves her body…"
I licked my lips. My breath came in ragged gasps. I felt just as turned on having this conversation with him as I would if Michelle was right in front of me completely naked begging me to fuck her. Perhaps I was even more turned on than in that case. What was this obsession doing to me?
"Yeah. It would be so totally worth it," I said.
I knew from experience, after all. But I wasn't giving that up any more than he was giving anything up about his potential dalliances with my girl.
Jeff looked at me. "What about you? I hear Jennifer has the hots for you. You hit that yet?"
I shrugged. "She's pretty hot. I just don't know."
"Oh yeah? You thinking about getting with Michelle too?"
I locked eyes with him. He looked suddenly serious. And I wasn't sure if we were having a lighthearted joking conversation about what we'd like to do to the resident hot manager who was completely off-limits, or if the two of us were having a battle of wills where we both knew the other one was getting with Michelle. Was this just a breezy conversation, or was it a contest to see which one of us would get her?
That serious look definitely felt like it could go either way.
"You never know," I said.
"Yeah," he
said, his tone suddenly flat. Very odd for a guy who usually had a smile on his face and a chuckle with every other word he said. "You never know…"
My phone buzzed and I jumped. I'd been so caught up in the moment that I hadn't realized the fifteen minutes for my break had already come and gone. Or that more than fifteen minutes had come and gone for Jeff, considering he'd been in here when I started. I grinned at him.
"Looks like it's time to go back to the salt mines," I said.
"I'm on lunch right now, but you have fun out there."
I grinned and nodded. "Yeah, I will. Maybe I'll even catch Michelle on her way back to her little shack. That'll be a nice view, won't it?"
"You know it," he said with a grin that didn't quite seem to reach his eyes. "You never know. Maybe I'll catch her on the way back and see if I can have some fun in that shack! A little bit of the bang bang on the table?"
He slapped his fist down against the table for emphasis. Then he grinned and laughed. But that laugh, once again, never quite seemed to reach his eyes the way it usually did. I licked my lips.
Yeah, I definitely had the feeling something was going on under the surface here. There were hidden undercurrents to this conversation, and now the question was what those undercurrents were. Was he really banging her? Did he know I was banging her? Were we in competition, and was that conversation within a conversation real?
Or was I imagining things? Was I seeing things because I was so turned on by the idea of her with another man? Was I letting wishful thinking take control of my mind and did that have me jumping at shadows?
I just didn't know.
What I did know was I’d be thinking of him catching Michelle on the way back to her office. It was almost enough to make me want to be a little late to my next shift. To hang around long enough to see if they really did have a rendezvous, but then if it turned out nothing was going on I'd have to answer questions as to why I wasn't at my post. And even though I was dating her which I initially figured would get me more lenient treatment, usually she came down harder on me because she didn't want to be seen playing favorites.
That had me thinking back to whether or not she'd been harder on Jeff as well. I'd definitely have to watch for that.
And so I spent the rest of the afternoon in torture once more. Torture thinking about Michelle getting with Jeff while he was on his lunch break and she was trying to work on scheduling or something. Thoughts of him throwing open the door and taking her. Bending her over and pounding her in much the same way that I had that fateful day. It was killing me even as it was turning me on so very much!
Yeah, pure torture. And I was no closer to finding out what was really going on with my girlfriend. Damn it.
6: Party Night
"I think it goes without saying, but all of you need to be on your best behavior tonight. If any of you die out there then that's the end of this night forever."
Michelle stopped and looked at each of us in turn. It was a stern look. Everyone stared back at her with grins on their faces.
"Good! I'm glad we understand each other," she said.
Everybody cheered and then broke off. The park was illuminated by lights and eerily empty. I was used to crowds walking around. People in swimsuits they had no business wearing with their body type.
It was odd not having any of that around.
Even more odd, though, was what everyone wore. I was looking at all my fellow lifeguards, and not a single one was in their bright orange work suits.
Samantha and Jennifer wore pink and white bikinis that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. I looked them up and down more than a few times as they sashayed off to the wave pool. Talk about a nice view! They looked good in their work suits, but those bikinis were something else.
No, there wasn't a hint of that reddish orange lifeguard color anywhere to be found in the crowd. I suppose everybody was so sick of wearing it that they didn't want to bother with it tonight.
That was something I could sympathize with. I was in a pair of black trunks with blue running down the sides. Not that I gave much thought to what color my swim trunks were. These were just the only pair I had that weren’t work-related.
"Looking forward to tonight?" Michelle asked. Her eyes followed mine to where I’d been staring after Samantha and Jennifer, an unreadable expression on her face.
I looked her up and down. My girl easily surpassed anything Jennifer and Samantha pulled off. She was in a pink number that was absolutely stunning. It also barely covered her. Just thin strips of cloth in all the right places. She finally grinned at me and winked, the unreadable expression gone.
Oh yeah, she knew exactly what she was doing wearing a suit like that. It was torture. Then again I was getting used to torture these days.
Though it wasn’t torture for the reasons she'd probably thought when she bought the thing. I'm sure she thought she was driving me wild since I couldn't get up close and personal with her in that suit the way I'd like.
Sure that was driving me wild just a little, but the real reason it was driving me crazy was because this was a perfect opportunity to watch all the other guys we worked with staring at her. Looking at her with their mouths hanging open. They were doing everything short of drooling. A couple of them were looking at me as though they wondered how the hell I was the one who was lucky enough to draw her attention.
Eat your heart out, guys. Of course it also meant I had to adjust myself to prevent a very awkward situation in my pants from becoming too obvious. The situation had started while staring at Jennifer and Samantha, and Michelle wasn’t helping things.
"Tonight could be fun," I said.
"Oh yeah? Are you planning on having a little bit of fun with any of the ladies? I saw Jennifer giving you the eye," she said.
I could have played that one of two ways. I could have rolled my eyes and made it clear she was the only girl for me, though not too clear considering there were people all around us and we weren't supposed to be dating. Or I could have a little bit of fun and fuel my obsession at the same time.
I knew which one I should do, and I knew which one I was going to do. And so I could feel the disaster happening in slow motion as I opened my mouth.
"You never know," I said with a wink. "Maybe you could have some fun with Jeff. I hear he has the hots for you."
Michelle cocked an eyebrow, but she didn't respond right away. She looked me up and down, and then a thin smile came to her face. I really wished I could know what was going through her head in that moment. Did she suspect that I suspected something? Or was I jumping at shadows? Was I constructing an entire relationship between the two of them in my head, and maybe even encouraging it to happen?
"Really now? Well in that case I suppose you should go have fun tonight."
I licked my lips. "You too."
And with that she walked off into the crowd. My eyes followed her. God damn she looked incredible in that bikini. She had the sort of body that begged to be put in as little clothing as possible. Hell, it was almost better than when she wore nothing. Though of course that wouldn't happen tonight. Even if the idea of her prancing around naked and getting the attention of every guy we worked with had my cock throbbing.
I felt a large meaty hand slap down on my shoulder. "Damn she is looking good tonight, isn't she?"
I looked up at Jeff and grinned. "You know it!"
And then I did something crazy again. Something that I probably wouldn't have done if it wasn't for my obsession. I looked at Jeff and then back to Michelle.
"You know she was just talking about getting with you," I said.
"Really?" Jeff said.
He stared at her glorious retreating ass with a completely different set of eyes now. There was still that lust there, the same lust that was in every guy's eyes when they looked at my girlfriend, but there was something else there as well.
A sense of possibility.
That look of sudden interest and new possibilities unfolding b
efore him was almost enough to make me think my theory of them carrying on a cheating relationship really was just that. A theory. Either that or he was just a damn good actor.
There was that conversation within a conversation we’d had in the break room to think of, after all. That was just too damn suspicious to be nothing.
"You have fun tonight man," he said absentmindedly, still staring after Michelle and patting me on the shoulder.
"Yeah, I will," I said.
He moved off into the crowd. Following Michelle. My eyes narrowed at that. Of course he would follow Michelle if they were carrying on with a secret relationship. Then again, he would also follow Michelle if he thought there was a chance she was into him.
And why not? The rules relaxed a little on this night. Sure there was no booze or anything, that was a recipe for liability and disaster that the water park wouldn't put up with, but at the same time everybody tended to go a little crazy on the nights when we kept everything open after hours for the staff to have a little bit of fun. Crazy enough to maybe loosen some of the rules, ever so briefly, about management and workers. It’s not like big Stan stuck around at these parties to see anything anyways.
I probably could’ve taken advantage of that loosening of the rules if I’d kept my big mouth shut and hadn’t said something about Jeff. Stupid idiot, letting that obsession take control of my mind and my mouth.
How crazy would Michelle go tonight?
"Luke!" someone squealed from behind me.
I wheeled around in time to see Jennifer and Samantha coming for me. Now where the hell had they come from? I thought for sure they were off at the wave pool. Jennifer in particular was giving me one hell of a once over. I'm talking the kind of look that made me feel like I needed to have a cigarette afterwards. She was really eye fucking the shit out of me.