Betting My Bride: A Hotwife Novel Read online

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  But more than anything I was thinking about going down to the beach. Going down to the beach meant we'd be in the middle of a crowd. There'd be people staring at my gorgeous newly minted wife wearing that barely-there bikini. And for some reason that was making my cock even more rock hard as I thought about it. As I thought of all those eyes on her. Devouring her body, wanting nothing more than to climb on top of her and rip that bikini off.

  What the hell was I thinking? It was one thing to enjoy guys looking at her, but another thing entirely to start thinking about them fucking her. And yet I couldn't deny that the idea intrigued me. The thought of all those eyes on my girl was one hell of a fucking turn on. Hell, when we'd been back in the changing room and she was trying it on for the first time it had been one hell of a turn on!

  Whatever. If I got a little bit of extra enjoyment watching my wife in that bikini, if there was another level to the whole thing on top of the sheer joy of getting to watch her in the bikini in the first place, then I'd take it.

  "What are you thinking about babe?" Lindsay asked.

  I shook my head. And racked my brain to try and come up with something. Anything. The last thing I wanted was to admit to her that I was thinking about a bunch of guys on that beach staring at my wife. She was damn gorgeous, and I had no doubt she'd have no trouble drawing plenty of male attention.

  Of course she'd probably think I was acting like a jealous prick if I told her that, and that was the last thing I wanted. She'd probably think that my fantasy was weird if I admitted to it, and that was really the last thing I wanted! I didn't want to sour the fun before we even got out to the beach.

  "Just thinking about how much fun we're going to have," I said.

  She turned and leaned up on her tiptoes to give me a peck on the cheek.

  "Liar," she said. "I bet you're thinking about all the tight hotties in their bikinis you're gonna be staring at all week while you're stuck tied down like an old married man!"

  I looked her up and down and my cock lurched in my pants. I very nearly came in my pants as I stared at her, and if I'm being perfectly honest part of the reason why my cock was standing at attention was precisely because I'd been imagining guys doing exactly what she was accusing me of doing. At the same time I was thinking how ridiculous she was being. I might be fantasizing about the idea of my wife with other men, but as far as I was concerned she was the only girl for me.

  It was a weird sort of fantasy.

  "Trust me honey," I said. "You're the only girl for me!"

  She tapped a finger on her lip. "I don't know… Maybe I should do something to remind you."

  And then to my surprise she dropped to her knees in front of me. I looked down at her and her gorgeous body, at that bikini that was barely containing her gorgeous body, and then she was fumbling at the tie on my swim trunks and pulling them down. My cock sprang out and she very nearly went cross-eyed as it bounced in front of her nose.

  I sighed as her head moved forward and then her mouth was wrapping around the head of my cock. She looked up at me and those green eyes locked with my own as her lips slid down my cock, as the delicious warmth of her mouth surrounded me as she moved her mouth down, down, until the head of my cock was in the back of her throat.

  I couldn't believe it. What about all that stuff she'd said about wanting to save me for later tonight when we could really have fun?

  Fuck! I was so close to the edge, but I didn't want to blow my load. I wanted my cock to be at full alert while we were down at the beach. Okay, so maybe there was some truth to what she'd said about me looking forward to seeing some of the hot bodies walking around on the beach, but mostly I'd been telling the truth. Mostly I was desperately looking forward to watching her out there. And since I'd been possessed by these thoughts of her with another man I was also looking forward to watching other people watching her while we were out at the beach.

  And as I looked down at her with her mouth wrapped around my cock I couldn't help but imagine that my bride was on her knees in front of another man. That it was someone else's cock buried in the back of her throat as she looked up, her innocent eyes twinkling. She wasn't exactly a virgin, I'd taken care of that, but at the same time since I was the one who'd taken care of that a couple of years ago she also didn't have very much experience with other guys. She'd been a good girl when she got to college and I'd helped corrupt her in my own small way, even if I did put a ring on her finger today and planned to spend the rest of my life with her.

  But she still had some of that innocence about her. Some of that pure innocence of a woman who'd been waiting for marriage until she met a man who drove her wild, and I wondered if there were other men out there who could drive her equally wild given the right circumstances. I wondered if those right circumstances could be reached while we were out on the beach enjoying ourselves on spring break. Maybe the right combination of alcohol, a good-looking guy…

  I came back to reality as she pulled back off of my cock, her lips trailing back, and I had to concentrate and clamp down on the muscles in my dick to keep myself from blowing my load. Thankfully she moved up and put a finger down at the base of my cock to give me an assist.

  "We don't want you blowing your load too soon!" she said. "I want to have a lot of fun on my wedding night, after all.

  I let out a deep breath. I was thinking about the kind of fun I'd like to see her having on her wedding night. Impossible fun.


  She stood and leaned forward to kiss me again, a kiss that turned into something more as our mouths opened to one another and our tongues snaked out to duel with each other. I could taste my cock on her mouth, it was something that I recognized from other times when she'd gone down on me, but then I suddenly found myself wondering what it would feel like to kiss her after she'd gone down on another guy. And for some reason that got my cock throbbing again thinking about her being so naughty and rubbing my face in it.

  I was in very real danger of blowing a load in my pants, so I pulled away from the kiss and smiled at her. God she still looked amazing, and I couldn't wait to get out there. I couldn't wait to have a little bit of fun. This was going to be one hell of a spring break.

  "That was one hell of a reminder honey!" I said.

  She patted me on the cheek. "And don't you forget it."

  There was no worry that I was going to forget anything. I definitely had no plans to stray from my gorgeous wife on this trip. Only now that I was having these thoughts, I wondered if there was a chance of her straying.

  With a little bit of permission, of course…

  8: The Bet

  The beach was pretty packed when we got there despite this place supposedly being an exclusive resort. I looked along the beach and realized it probably had something to do with the beach apparently being open to anybody but I caught myself before that thought went too far. I might've come into some money recently but I wasn't going to start thinking like some rich asshole.

  Besides, I figured the beach being open to everybody meant it was open to eye candy that was a lot nicer than the older crowd who seemed to be able to afford our hotel. I couldn't believe so many people wearing so little could be concentrated in one beach like that. And yet here we were. Here they were. I stared with my mouth hanging open at the buffet of hot toned skin on display. Girls in bikinis, guys wearing next to nothing. It was incredible, and it was worth every penny.

  I turned to look at Lindsay and saw that she was staring as well. I wondered if she was surprised by the size of the crowd or if she was looking at some of the hard bodies out there on the beach. The thought of her staring at some of those hard bodies was far more of a turn on than I would've imagined before we came out on this trip. The thought of some of those hard bodies staring at her was even more of a turn on.

  "What do you think?" I asked.

  "I think we're going to have a hell of a time finding a spot to put our towels down," she said.

  She was right about that. W
e navigated our way through the beach. Through people throwing Frisbees, tossing footballs back and forth. It seemed like there were guys everywhere trying to impress girls running back and forth on the beach wearing practically nothing, and more than once I caught one of those guys staring at my wife.

  I looked over to her and she seemed completely oblivious. Not that I was particularly surprised by her obliviousness. Lindsay had always been that special brand of insanely hot girl who was completely unaware of exactly how hot she was. Sometimes I thought the only reason she was with a guy like me was because of that obliviousness, but that was an itch that I'd long ago decided not to scratch too much.

  Even if she didn't see the guys checking her out, even if she was ignoring them if she did see it, I definitely saw them looking. And I had to constantly change the way I was walking, readjust myself so it wasn't obvious that I had a major hard on tenting out from my swim trunks from watching all these guys checking out my wife. I had a feeling if Lindsay saw that she'd assume I was getting a hard on from looking at all the girls on the beach, and how was I going to explain to her the real reason for that hard on?

  I heard a buzzing off in the distance and looked out onto the water. Boats. Boats everywhere! Lindsay also followed that sound.

  "Oh my God! A boat! That looks like so much fun!" she said.

  "We could look into renting one if you wanted to," I replied. I figured it shouldn't be too much trouble to get one even on short notice. I was willing to throw a little money around considering my new circumstances.

  "Nah, we can just hang by the beach today," Lindsay said. "Still, it looks like fun."

  "I'll be sure to check into it for another day," I said.

  Of course if we really wanted to go on a boat ride today it seemed like all we needed to do was swim out to where the water got deep enough for people to pull their speedboats up and weigh anchor. Even as I watched I saw a boat with a couple of guys pull up and suddenly girls in bikinis started scrambling to get aboard like some sort of sexy zombie apocalypse where zombies were replaced by hot beach bunnies. The guys pointed to a couple of girls who hopped on squealing with delight.

  It was hard to tell from this distance, but at least one of those guys had a bit of a belly. I couldn't see the girls up close either, but from a distance it definitely seemed like they were just a little out of those guys' league. I guess having a boat was the great equalizer at the beach. It was starting to make me think renting a boat would be a good thing if you were a single guy trying to have a little bit of fun on the beach, but that's not what I was. I had my girl and I was more than happy with her.

  After some searching we finally managed to find a spot all to ourselves, though it wasn't much. We were surrounded by people on all sides, and we weren't close to the water. Still, Lindsay seemed happy enough, and so we settled down to people watch for a little while.

  Lindsay had sunglasses on so it was difficult to figure out exactly what she was looking at, but in my imagination she was staring at the guys who would walk by throwing footballs or otherwise trying to do things that guys did to try and impress girls at the beach. One guy even pulled that ridiculous move where he threw a Frisbee right next to Lindsay and landed in the sand right next to her, but that ended up just pissing her off more than anything because he got sand on both of us. I sat back quietly as she chewed him out, smiling and enjoying the show for more than one reason. It was funny to see her chewing the guy out, but at the same time it was also hot to know she'd been the target of one of those cheap moves.

  When the guy was gone she turned to me. "Can you believe that asshole?"

  I shrugged. "You're a hot girl on the beach, what do you expect?"

  She pulled her sunglasses down. "Seriously? I know you're obligated to tell me I'm hot, but that guy wasn't over here because of me!"

  I pulled my own sunglasses down and matched her stare for stare. Her green eyes flashed in the sunlight. "Are you kidding? Accidentally tossing stuff in front of hot girls so they can try and get an in is the whole reason guys toss things around on the beach.."

  "But I'm here with you!" she said, sounding incredulous.

  "What can I say? Men are dogs, and he probably wasn't gonna let any pesky little detail like you having a boyfriend get in the way of trying to get in your pants," I said.

  Just thinking about that guy trying to pull a move like that and get into it my gorgeous wife's pants, or bikini bottoms, had been enough to make my cock stand up and take notice. Now that we were actually talking about it, now that I was laying it out for her in plain terms like this, I was even more rock hard. I was going to be damn uncomfortable if this kept up for the whole vacation. I was definitely going to need some relief when we got back to the hotel room later tonight!

  "I still say you're imagining things," she said.

  "Want to bet?" I asked.

  Lindsay leaned forward and pulled her sunglasses down, a hungry interest obvious in her eyes. Now that was surprising. We'd made bets before while we were dating in undergrad with the stakes running from silly to serious, but I hadn't expected her to jump on the idea of a bet quite so quickly like she was now.

  "A bet? It's been awhile. Could be fun. What did you have in mind?" she asked.

  I blinked. I'd just been joking around, but it seemed like she was taking me seriously. Or at the very least judging by the smile on her face she was taking me half seriously. Whatever, I'd take it. If it was a bet she wanted then it was a bet she'd get. I already had a few good ideas of what I'd do if I collected. I also had a few good ideas of what I'd like to have her do for me, do to other guys, if I collected, but I wasn't going to take it that far.

  I grinned right back at her. "How about the usual terms?"

  Her eyes twinkled. "Slave for a day?"

  Okay, this was definitely getting more interesting. Extremely interesting, even. Slave for a day opened up so many possibilities. Possibilities that terrified and aroused me in equal measure. Possibilities that were so fucking hot as they ran through my head. Especially when I knew it was a bet that I was sure to win!

  "You bet your sweet ass!"

  She pulled her sunglasses back up. "That could be an interesting way to spend a day on our honeymoon," she said. "Fine. You're on!"

  And just like that our little dustup as to whether or not guys were actually interested in her turned into a full on bet. That was where things got serious. She might start one of those bets in jest, but she always took it ridiculously seriously once the bet was made. And the slave for a day terms were no joking matter.

  I also couldn't deny the possibilities that the terms of slave for a day were opening to me. I figured they were still impossible, but at the same time it was nice to fantasize as long as it stayed just that: fantasy. Lindsay was right, that could definitely make for an interesting honeymoon.

  I leaned back and looked out over the beach once more, surveying all the skin on display. Not all of it was necessarily worth looking at, some of the aforementioned older folks who could afford the exorbitant rates at our resort came to mind, but there were definitely plenty of hotties out on the beach. Though none of the girls that passed by held a candle to Lindsay. I know that she's my wife and I'm biased, especially considering it was our wedding day which just amped up the beauty, but in my opinion she really was the most gorgeous girl on the beach. And judging from the way guys kept walking by and trying to catch quick glances at her without me noticing other guys were recognizing just how hot she was!

  "How are we going to determine whether or not one of us wins the bet?"

  I thought about that for a moment. "I think before we do that we need to figure out exactly what it is we're betting over."

  Lindsay giggled. "That's easy enough. You seem to be living in some sort of alternate reality where every guy who walks by is drooling over me, and I don't think that's true at all."

  "That's easy enough," I said. "We just prove that a guy is interested in you and I win the bet. It's g
oing to be the easiest bet in the world!"

  "Hold on there stud," Lindsay said holding up a hand. "If we're making the terms of this bet slave for a day then we need to have definitive proof that a guy is a hitting on me. More than one guy, really, if we're going to prove your little assertion true!"

  "So what do you consider proof that more than one guy's hitting on you?"

  Lindsay shrugged. "I don't know. I figure I'll know it when I see it, but it's definitely not something like a guy looking at me as he walks past or one of those guys throwing a football right in front of us."

  I shook my head. That was going to make it things a little less easy, but it definitely wasn't going to make things hard if you catch my meaning. I figured guys trying to get her attention and guys checking her out was definitely proof that I was winning the bet, but if she wanted to make it a little more interesting that was fine with me. I still figured I'd win easily.

  "Fair enough. I'm still going to win this hands down."

  She looked at me and smiled and then looked back out over the beach. "That's what you think."

  Of course I couldn't tell her why I so desperately wanted to win this bet. Slave for a day was interesting, but I was more interested in a world of possibilities that could potentially open up if she realized guys were looking at her, even if I wasn't going to follow through on some of the more depraved possibilities that were running through my mind.

  Noticing guys looking at her though, realizing just how hot she was and the power she had, that could be interesting. I figured it was probably a pipe dream, it was probably firmly in the realm of fantasy that she'd react the way I wanted her to react, but still. We were making progress.

  Now to get to winning!

  9: Confession

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