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Summer Lovers: A Hotwife Novel Page 6
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Page 6
Her eyebrow was arched in pure incredulity. Hell, I had trouble believing it myself. What kind of guy leaves the middle of a hot babe sandwich like that?
Either a guy who's gay or a guy who's chasing after his potentially angry girlfriend who's about to do something that will change their relationship forever. Sort of like what I just did with Samantha and Jennifer. If anything happened then I certainly deserved it, as much as I hated thinking it.
As much as I loved imagining every salacious detail.
I managed to pull free from the tangle of arms and legs that were threatening to overwhelm me. It was like dealing with a sexy octopus. Not that I thought anybody had ever put octopus and sexy together in the same sentence before. Okay, maybe in some weird Japanese porn, but other than that…
I managed to disentangle myself and pull away.
"I can't believe it," Jennifer said.
"I told you," Samantha said.
"Yeah, I guess it's true." Jennifer replied.
That almost brought me to a halt. I almost stopped to ask them what the hell they were talking about, but I was too preoccupied with what Michelle was up to to really care what they were talking about.
Jennifer and Samantha had completely escaped my mind in a matter of moments. No, I was far more interested in catching up with Michelle. I ran out of the wave pool at a full sprint. I'm talking about the kind of sprint that was dangerous. Running on a hard wet and slippery cement surface was never a great idea. I thought of a kid who fell and broke his arm a few weeks back doing exactly what I was doing, but I didn't care. I didn't even bother to find my sandals. I was in too much of a hurry.
I turned right. At first I thought about running straight to the shack, but then I decided it would be a better idea to stop to check some of the slides along the way. There was always the off chance that Michelle decided to go on an actual ride with Jeff rather than going on the sort of ride I had in mind. The sort of ride that was running through my mind on repeat. The sort of ride that had my cock so very hard.
The first couple of slides were almost empty. There definitely wasn't a chance I'd miss Michelle and Jeff. Not unless they were actually in the slides when I passed by, and I stopped long enough to wait and make sure somebody went down and through. I stopped by the lazy river as well. It meandered through a big part of the park, but I figured they couldn't have gotten very far. Not unless they were swimming at a full sprint through the thing, and that seemed unlikely.
No, there were enough people lazing about in the lazy river that it would’ve been impossible for someone to swim the thing full speed. Most people in there seemed more preoccupied with necking and getting a little handsy with one another under the water, and they didn't seem to care that everything they were doing was pretty fucking obvious to anyone standing above and observing.
Probably because of there wasn't really anybody standing up above and observing like usual. No, all the lifeguard stands were empty. And Michelle and Jeff definitely weren’t amongst the couples down there getting frisky, which could only mean they were getting frisky somewhere else.
My pulse quickened as I made my way back to the more sparsely populated areas of the park. A small path ran down behind one of the kiddie pools and then behind some greenery. The break room was to the left at the end of that path, and once again if I turned to the right I’d be at the manager’s shack.
I knew what waited for me if I turned right, and yet I was still reluctant to go to her office. I was still reluctant to greet the sight that was no doubt waiting for me in there.
No, there was one more place I could check if I was being perfectly thorough. One more location I could go to where I was pretty sure I wouldn't find Michelle and Jeff together. One more place where I could avoid the inevitable that had me so terrified and turned on in equal measure. So I went over to check the break room. I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw that it was empty, but that relief was very short lived.
My body started to shiver and shake uncontrollably. I was losing it. I felt impossibly hot. Hotter than the hottest fever I'd ever felt. The shaking was worse than the worst chills I'd ever felt. I felt queasy. My cock throbbed.
Now that I was faced with this moment, now that I was faced with the reality of this fantasy staring me down, now that I knew all it would take was walking the fifteen feet down to Michelle's office to see her with another man, I was overcome. Yet at the same time I was overwhelmed there was still something lurking in the deep recesses of my mind. That impossible desire that I couldn't deny. That desire that I had to fulfill. That obsession that I was a slave to.
I stopped shaking. I was resolved. This was what I’d wanted, and I was about to get it. I wasn’t so sure that it was what I wanted now that it was actually about to happen, but it was too late to go back. No, I’d created this scenario and now it was time to man up and deal with the sexy consequences of my actions.
No, the time to go back would've been earlier this evening when I threw Michelle and Jeff at one another. The time to go back would’ve been when I first started to suspect her of infidelity. I should have just confronted her or trusted her. Anything but what I actually did.
The time to go back was before I had fun with Jennifer and Samantha in the wave pool right in front of my secret girlfriend. How did I expect her to react to that? I suspected that I knew exactly how she’d react, and once more it was the obsession doing the thinking for me rather than the rational side of my brain.
I’d done it precisely because there was a part of me that hoped it would push Michelle into Jeff’s arms, onto Jeff’s cock, while I got to watch from a distance.
Talk about fucked up.
I felt like a convict on death row walking to my execution as I went down that path that had become so familiar. That path that had led to paradise on so many occasions. A path that led to a combination of hell and paradise all wrapped up in one neat little package tonight.
I paused outside the door to the shack. I listened. I watched to see if there were any telltale sign of people obviously fucking on the other side of the door. I know it sounds like a ridiculous thought, but it was a small enough shack that it was entirely possible it could be rattling from the force of a couple of people fucking in there.
Only there was no movement. No sound. I wondered if they were going slow in there. What if Jeff was in there even as I stared at the door, running his hands all over my girlfriend. Not quite believing his luck that he got to feel up the most gorgeous woman in the park? What if he was sliding his cock in and out of her slowly? Luxuriating in the feel of her pussy grasping for him. Begging for more.
I licked my lips. My mouth had suddenly gone dry. The anticipation was killing me. It was wonderful. I almost didn't want to open the door, because that would mean the dual state of Jeff and Michelle both fucking and not fucking at the same time would collapse and it would be either true or not true.
In that moment I realized that despite all of my misgivings, despite the terror I felt at the idea, there was still a stronger part of me that wanted it to be true more than I wanted this to be wishful thinking.
I took a deep breath. Let it out. Reached out and grabbed the handle. Threw the door open, expecting to find my girlfriend and Jeff in flagrante.
Nothing. The light was on. Someone had been in here recently, but that could just mean Michelle forgot to turn the light off when she headed out for the evening to give her speech reminding everyone not to be dumbasses on one of our rare free nights.
Still, better safe than sorry. It's not like there were many places for them to hide in a space that small, but I had to be sure. I walked in and looked around. Double checked that they weren't hiding on the other side of the desk or something. Nothing.
I leaned on her desk and breathed a sigh of relief. I didn't know where they were, but wherever it was they weren't fucking in some secret location. I'd checked both secret locations and made sure of that. Sure there was still the possibility that they'd gone
off to some quiet corner of the park where there weren't that many people, but it's not like they'd be able to actually fuck. At least I didn’t think they'd be able to. Not and risk someone catching them.
I turned around. My heart nearly stopped. I'm not too proud to admit that I let out a scream that had more in common with a terrified little girl than it did a man who suddenly found himself in a precarious situation.
"Looking for somebody?" Michelle asked, her eyebrow raised and her arms crossed from her hiding spot on the other side of the door where I wouldn’t notice her on walking in. "Or were you maybe looking for two somebodies?"
My mouth worked and I tried to think of something to say, but from the smile that split her face it was pretty fucking obvious that I’d been caught. The question was, how much did she know?
9: Confession
"So do you want to tell me exactly what the hell is going on here tonight?" she asked.
I glanced around the room. I'm not sure what I was looking for. Maybe an escape route? Not that any was forthcoming. There was only the one door out of here, and Michelle was standing right there blocking my escape.
Not that it would matter one bit if I did manage to escape out that door. I’d still have questions to answer. If I didn't answer them right now she’d just come at me later.
Time. I needed to stall for time.
"What are you talking about?" I asked in what I hoped was my best and most innocent voice.
Michelle smiled and shook her head. Walked towards me. And as she walked across the shack I was painfully aware of just how incredible she looked in her bikini. The way her tits bounced. The way her hips swayed from side to side. Deliciously distracting.
Sure I'd seen her naked on plenty of occasions, and there was no beating a view of her in her birthday suit, but there was something about the way she wore that bikini that made my mouth go dry.
I also found myself wondering if this was going to be one of the last times I saw her wearing this little clothing. If she got pissed off about what I was about to tell her then it could very well be the last time I saw her in anything less than a nun’s outfit.
She moved until she was mere inches from me. I felt her body almost pressing against mine. It was pure torture, and all the more so because I knew this might be the last time I felt her body so close. Her perfect body. A body that I loved exploring. That I loved feeling under me.
I didn't want that gone from my life. Sure I’d always figured there was a chance we might not last past the summer, but at least it was a summer together. Now even that might not happen.
"Let's go over everything that happened tonight, shall we?" Michelle asked.
"Sure," I said.
One word responses seemed safe enough. It didn't seem like a good idea to give up any more than I absolutely had to. I'd let her make the accusations. Build her case.
"You had the perfect opportunity to have some fun with me tonight. And in public, no less. Rules are relaxed on these nights. No one would think it was out of the ordinary if I spent some time with a guy. Just look at the fun I had with Jeff tonight.”
Her eyes moved back and forth, searching my own. I wasn’t sure what she was searching for.
I licked my lips. She had to bring up Jeff. All I could think about was the fun she'd just admitted to having with Jeff. How much fun did she have with him? I still wanted to know. Needed to know. I kept my mouth shut, though.
"Not going to say anything? Well that's fine," she said. "So you tell me to go off and have some fun on my own. That's weird, but whatever. Then Jeff comes up to me in the wave pool and says you told him to go off and find me. Now why on earth would you do something like that? You're my boyfriend. Why would you send another guy after me?"
Once more I was at a loss for words. My mouth moved but I had trouble actually coming up with anything. The truth was just too crazy. To insane. I could form the words and say them, but it seemed highly unlikely she’d believe me.
I tried to imagine how she would react if I told her what was really going on here. That I was turned on by the idea of Jeff getting up close and personal with her. That I thought she'd been cheating on me, and the idea turned me on more than it pissed me off. That maybe I’d pushed her into the arms of another man because I wanted it to be true more than I was actually legitimately afraid it was true.
Visions of getting smacked danced through my head, and that was the least of my worries.
"Luke? What's going on here? Why did you tell Jeff to try and get with me? Is it because of what I said earlier about thinking he was hot? Was this a fucked up test or something?"
I squeezed my eyes shut. Let out a long sigh. This wasn't going to go away. She wasn't going to be satisfied unless I gave her an answer.
That, or I could just break up with her. Only I had no intention of doing anything of the sort. Not if there was still a chance that the truth might salvage our relationship. I thought it was a pretty remote chance, but hope springs eternal.
It was time for some brutal honesty. The sort of honesty that might get me in trouble, but it was the only escape I could see. Especially since Michelle was still blocking my only physical means of escape.
"I sort of heard a rumor in the break room a few weeks back," I said.
Michelle arched an eyebrow and smiled. Not the reaction I expected. "A rumor? You know what rumors are like in this place. They’re a dime a dozen.
“Yeah, I guess they are,” I said.
I licked my lips. Her mentioning that rumors were a dime a dozen made sense. They really were pretty common around here. And suddenly all those thoughts I'd had about there being fire where there was smoke seemed pretty stupid. As I looked at her it felt ridiculous. Like I’d been jumping at shadows.
“So what was this rumor? I assume it was about me?" She had a strange look in her eyes as she said that. Something was going on here, and it drove me crazy that I didn’t know what it was.
"It was about you," I said. "Samantha and Jennifer were talking about how they thought you'd gotten with Jeff."
Michelle giggled and shook her head. Again not the reaction I expected. I figured she’d be pissed off or something. I figured there’d be a blowup. I didn’t figure she wouldn’t look the least bit surprised. Almost as though she knew what I was going to say before I said it.
What was going on here? I still had that feeling like things were spiraling out of control even know that I’d confessed, and I didn’t like that feeling.
"So I shacked up with Jeff in the shack? And you actually believed a rumor from Jennifer and Samantha? The gossip twins?"
I felt more and more ridiculous with her every word. I’d listened to a rumor from Jennifer and Samantha. They were well known for spreading rumors whether or not they'd been substantiated. And the house of cards I’d constructed where I thought something might be going on between Michelle and Jeff was crashing down.
How could I be such an idiot? Our relationship could be ending, and it was all because I believed a stupid fucking rumor!
"I'm an idiot," I said. "I listened to that stupid rumor, and I wanted to believe it because…"
"Hold the phone. You wanted to believe I was cheating on you? What's up with that?" Michelle asked.
I looked up at her and blushed. And grinned. It was a sheepish grin.
"I get turned on by the idea of other guys hitting on you. Okay? I know it's crazy," I said.
I locked eyes with Michelle. She blinked. And then a smile spread across her face. She shook her head.
"Damn," she said.
"So is that it for us?" I asked.
"Why on earth would that be it for us?" she asked. "I knew something was going on, and now that you've been honest with me we can work on."
I blinked. "Work on it? That’s it? You’re not going to get upset or anything?"
“Of course I’m not going to get upset, but we do need to do something about this,” she said, a mischievous twinkle coming to her eye.
nbsp; "Do something about it? What are you talking about?"
"I figure this is the perfect opportunity for us to get a little revenge and maybe indulge your fantasy at the same time," Michelle said with a shrug.
I couldn’t believe this was happening. My cock throbbed when she mentioned indulging my fantasy. Was she serious? She couldn't possibly be serious. She couldn't possibly want to actually go through with this. To actually fuck Jeff. Could she?
And yet once more I found myself intrigued by the idea of her fucking Jeff. I found myself wanting it. Desperately needing it.
"Revenge? What are you talking about?"
"It's not obvious to you?" Michelle asked.
"What should be obvious to me?" I asked.
"We've been set up," she said.
I blinked. "Set up? What do you mean?"
"Let's just say I originally left the wave pool with every intention of doing exactly what you probably thought I was going to do with Jeff when we left. Am I right?"
"I did figure you were up to no good," I said.
I needed to keep it under control. The combination of her standing so close to me while she talked so casually about having every intention of coming to this shack and fucking him behind my back was putting me in danger of blowing a load before I even got a chance to touch her. And let me tell you, I really wanted to be touching her, to be enjoying this fantasy to its fullest, when I blew this load that was wrapped up with all the incredible sexual tension that had been building through the night.
"Right. The only problem is Jeff opened his big mouth just a little too much on the way back to the shack. He was going on about how he couldn't believe you’d do something like that to me. How he was sure I’d be up for some revenge."
Michelle looked at me expectantly. I shook my head. “What?”
"Does anything seem wrong about that to you?" she asked.
I had to think about that one for a moment before it finally hit me. And when it did it hit me like a pile of bricks landing right on top of my head.
"He asked how I could do that to you," I said. “He knew. How did he know?”