Between Friends: A Hotwife Novel Read online

Page 7

  He said it with the monotone of someone who’d gone through the same spiel hundreds of times before. I almost felt sorry for the guy.

  “In FairyLand Forest all your magical dreams will come true.”

  Oh yeah, I had a couple of magical dreams that I hoped would come true on the FairyLand Forest boat ride. We stepped up to the loading area and the guy stopped and gave me a once over. Actually more than a once over. If he stared much harder I was going to need a cigarette by the time he was done looking.

  I looked him up and down and immediately dismissed him. A little gangly for my tastes, and also about a decade too young. Still, he could look all he wanted. I did enjoy it when guys looked, even if he didn’t have a prayer of a chance.

  “So aren’t the three of you a little old for the FairyLand boat ride?” he asked, a knowing tone coming to his voice.

  “Is it any of your damned business if I like this ride?” I asked.

  The guy I blinked and muttered something as he hit a button on his control panel and the gates opened. One of the boats pulled up and we stepped inside. All three of us in the same row.

  “Enjoy your ride,” the guy said.

  He muttered something that sounded like “bitch” under his breath, but I figured I’d let it slide. I didn’t want to antagonize the kid too much considering what I was about to do. If he got too upset he might decide to go into the ride and see what we were up to or something. I don’t know. It was probably a little paranoid and crazy.

  No more crazy than what I was planning once we got into that tunnel though.

  We rounded a corner and I went to work. I turned to face Devin and leaned in. Pressed my lips against his and opened my mouth. I would’ve liked to really savor this experience, but we didn’t have much time. This was a decently long ride, but it wasn’t going to last forever.

  “Holy shit Kirsten,” Trevor said from beside me.

  I ignored him. I ignored the happy song playing all around us. I ignored the occasional blasts of cool air raining down on us from the industrial-strength air-conditioning system that seemed to be the only thing that was maintained in this ride.

  No, there was too much heat between me and Devin. I was ready to take what I wanted!

  Our tongues dueled and danced around one another and he seemed to be really getting into it. His hands ran up and down my body. I smiled to myself as I thought about how he must’ve been fantasizing about doing this all day long.

  He got me so fucking hot when he was staring at my tits in the car. God how I wanted him to run his hands all over me there in the car. I figured Trevor wouldn’t mind too much, even if there was the very real danger of causing a wreck.

  I wondered what he was thinking now that this was finally happening. He was the one who got turned on by the thought of me with another guy. I wondered if this was everything he’d hoped for, or if he was already coming to regret his decision.

  Though it was too fucking late if he was regretting that decision.

  He didn’t say anything though. He just gasped. He could reach out and try to stop me any time, though the jury was out as to whether or not I’d actually stop. Just like he could’ve stopped this from happening on the bus. Yet he didn’t.

  Once more I allowed myself to be carried away. I allowed myself to ride the wave of passion as Devin ran his hands up and down my body. As they moved down to my stomach and then his hands were moving up inside my shirt. Up past my belly button and then he pushed my bra up. A moment later my tits spilled out.

  God that was hot. The cold air would’ve been enough to make my nipples stand out, but add to that the feeling of Devin exploring my body for the first time and it created one hell of a major feedback loop running straight from my tits down to my pussy as his fingers traced around my nipples.

  This was it. He was finally seeing me in all my glory. I was half naked and exposed. It wasn’t the same as earlier when I pulled my shirt down or when I was showing off my tits through that sheer shirt in the changing room. No, this was so much hotter.

  His hands ran up and down and all over my body, and finally he moved down and pressed a finger between my legs. My pants were still on, but he was pressing up against me with such fervor that I thought I might come just from him rubbing against my pussy without any direct contact.

  Finally I pulled away from the kiss and stared at him. My eyes must’ve been pure lust. I wondered if he was getting the message what with the darkness all around us making it difficult to see what I was trying to get across. It really was almost pitch black here except for the illumination being cast by various scenes.

  “We don’t have much time,” I said. “So let’s do this.”

  Devin hesitated for a moment. Looked past me towards Trevor. Whatever he saw there, he seemed to get the confirmation that he needed.

  In an instant he was on me again. He pulled my tank top the rest of the way up so that it was nestled under my armpits. Then his hand moved down and started working at the zipper and the buttons on my bottoms. I moaned. I couldn’t help myself. I couldn’t believe this was happening.

  Earlier this morning when I was at work I figured this would just be another fun trip with Devin and Teresa. I figured we’d have our fun and retire back to the hotel where all of us would be sexually frustrated because no one wanted to do it in front of each other.

  And now here I was in a ride I’d been going on since I was a little kid feeling my husband’s best friend moving his hands all over me. Talk about a situation I didn’t think would ever happen!

  But I let myself be carried away. This is where the teasing naturally led, after all, and it was time to enjoy what I wanted.

  Devin had been absolutely right. It was time for me to step out on my man, only he was sitting right next to me enjoying every fucking minute of this almost as much as I was!

  9: Moment of Truth

  Well then. Talk about your all time unexpected scenarios. I’d been coming to this ride since I was a little kid. I remembered thinking it was the best thing ever when I was younger, and then going on it again years later with a girlfriend and realizing that it maybe wasn’t all that great after all.

  Though on that day I discovered exactly why so many people seemed so eager to go on this ride. I understood why it stayed a popular attraction despite looking like shit.

  To say that we’d gotten up to a little bit of fun that day would be one hell of an understatement. I’d come close to losing my virginity that day. The only thing that stopped that from happening was my girlfriend at the time said she didn’t want to forever remember losing her virginity in the FairyLand Forest ride.

  That day had also proven to me that nobody was watching when it came to security. Which was probably another one of the draws. I guess no one had ever gotten a complaint from an angry parent because junior saw a little too much from some couple necking in the next boat over.

  And now here I was, a grown man, sitting with my wife and watching her getting with my best friend. I’d been to this park with both of them before. I’d been on this ride with them before, but it was never anything like this. Nothing had ever approached the intensity of this moment.

  To be perfectly honest I was surprised at my reaction. On the one hand I’d always figured I would love this sight if it ever happened. I figured I would always love the opportunity to see Kirsten getting down and dirty.

  And yet at the same time now that I was finally here in this moment at long last I felt a burning jealousy deep in the very core of my being. I felt like I needed to lean over the edge of the boat and puke my guts up. I wanted to reach across the boat and snap Devin’s neck, never mind that we’d been friends for years. I wanted to tell Kirsten that it was all over. That this was too much. That she’d finally taken this teasing too far. That I didn’t want anything to do with any of this.

  Only I didn’t do any of those things. Because it would be a lie if I said something like that. No, I might be feeling all of those conflicting em
otions, but at the same time there was one overriding feeling that was taking over. That was ensuring I wasn’t going to say anything. That I wasn’t going to get pissed off.

  I felt an overwhelming desire. As I watched my best friend’s hands running all over my wife’s body I felt like I was going to pass out from the blood rushing to my head. From the blood rushing to my cock. My cock which was so fucking hard as I watched Devin’s hand move down and slip inside Kirsten’s shorts.

  I watched with rapt fascination as he worked at the button and then there was the distinct sound of a zipper which echoed in my mind. It was so much louder than the music playing around us.

  More than anything I couldn’t believe this was finally happening. I’d looked forward to this moment for so long that it was difficult to deal with it actually happening right in front of me. It was difficult to contemplate the thought of another man’s hands dancing along my wife’s pussy.

  And yet here we were and that was exactly what was happening. There was just enough light cast from the characters singing their merry song and watching us do our sinful dance that I could clearly make out the outline of his hand in her shorts. A lump that was moving up and down as she grabbed at his hand and encouraged him to do more.

  She threw her head back, arching her perfect neck and presenting it to him. It was an opportunity he seemed more than happy to take her up on. His lips moved down and pressed against her soft and yet oh so warm flesh.

  Gasps and moans filled the boat. In my mind they drowned out even the sound of the happy singing fairy creatures. And why not? This was a fantasy that went so far beyond anything that the people who imagined up this ride could have ever thought of.

  I reached down and ran a finger up and down the length of my cock. Fuck this was so incredibly hot. It was so far beyond anything I’d ever imagined.

  The reality definitely beat out the fantasy that had been running on repeat through my mind forever. And why not? This was real life. I could hear my wife gasping. I could watch their hands moving all over each other in a frenzied dance that was underpinned by a hunger that made me think this had been a desire they’d wanted to explore for quite some time.

  I felt a flush of disappointment at that. To think that we could have been doing this for far longer. That we’d missed out on so much time when we could have been doing this.

  Then again, I suppose he had been with Teresa that entire time. I suppose it wasn’t entirely fair to think that this was one long missed opportunity. After all, it’s not like Teresa would probably be all that happy at the idea of her boyfriend getting it on with another man’s wife.

  Then again, she’d been more than happy to get with other men. Who knew what she might’ve thought of the idea of sharing her man? Maybe she would’ve jumped at the opportunity to clear her conscience.

  That was all academic though. My mind was wandering, and the last thing I wanted was for my mind to wander when I was concentrating on the sight of Kirsten finally giving into the ultimate taboo. Finally letting another man explore her.

  Her gasps were getting louder and louder. If there were other people on this ride then I would’ve reached out to quiet her, but her gasps were more than drowned out by the sound of the animatronic creatures all around us.

  Kirsten pressed herself against Devin and started shuddering. It was as intense as earlier when she was grinding against him on the bus. I licked my lips as I watched her coming with my best friend for the second time in a day. It was incredible. Going from never thinking this fantasy would be fulfilled to watching her coming against another man twice in a day.

  And so I stared. What else could I do? The sight was so intoxicating. Much better than any porn I’d ever watched on the subject, and I’d seen quite a bit over the course of my obsession.

  The best part about it was I had a front row seat. Talk about incredible.

  I looked up at the singing animatronic fairy creatures. I wanted to see how much longer we had. Judging from the scene we were coming up to now we’d only gotten about halfway through the ride. Amazing. It seemed like a hell of a lot more time had been squeezed into that short trip. And yet I knew that the next five minutes were going to go by in a flash. I knew there wasn’t going to be nearly as much time as I’d like. Though I had a good feeling about this. I had a feeling we were going to have a hell of a lot more fun once we got back to the hotel room later tonight.

  Yeah, there’d be a hell of a lot of time then for getting down to business.

  When I turned back it seemed that Devin and Kirsten had been busy. Really fucking busy. He wasn’t satisfied with having his hand down her pants. No, he pulled her shorts down slightly. She was sitting there next to me with her shirt up over her tits exposing most of her body from above, and her shorts pulled down to her thighs. I raised an eyebrow at that. What were they up to?

  Though it turned out there was a method to Devin’s madness. While I was busy staring at my wife he was busy fumbling at his shorts. A moment later I saw a shadowy outline that could only be his cock. Not that I was particularly familiar with his cock. It’s not like I’d seen very much of it outside of a couple of unfortunate incidents when we were roommates in college when I’d walked in on him in the dorms having a little bit of fun in front of the computer screen. And of course there had been that one time when I’d walked in on him and the hot piece of ass he was enjoying at the time, but to be perfectly honest I’d been more distracted by the aforementioned hot piece of ass than I was by the sight of my naked roommate.

  That I could take or leave.

  I stared in fascination now, though. I wondered what his game was. What were they up to?

  That became obvious soon enough. He pulled Kirsten up and then his cock was positioned right at the entrance to her pussy. At least I assumed it was. It was dark enough in here that I was only getting flashes of what was going on from lighting from the animatronic critters. Otherwise it was pretty damn difficult to see anything.

  I certainly got the idea as he started pulling her down on his cock though. As she threw her head back and started to moan. And a moment later she was buried against his body. His cock had to be lodged inside her. Damn. I felt another wave of jealousy running through me, though it was a wave of jealousy that was accompanied by the hardest fucking cock I’d ever had in my life. It was happening. It was actually happening. He had his cock buried deep inside my wife. Holy shit!

  They seemed frozen in that moment forever. A moment that only lasted perhaps a second, with her in the same position where she’d been on the bus earlier, only with nothing between them this time. Then they really started going at it.

  I willed Devin to fuck her harder and harder. Not that I needed to will him too terribly hard. No, he seemed to be having the time of his life finally getting his cock inside my wife. I imagine this was the fulfillment of a long simmering fantasy for him as much as it was the fulfillment of a long-running fantasy for me.

  I was well aware he’d been lusting after her for quite some time now. Hell, ever since Kirsten and I first got together. It had been touch and go between me and Devin for a little while there, with him claiming that I’d stolen her. Though the years since and us getting married had more or less ended that argument.

  At least I thought it had until now. Not that there was much risk of her deciding she wanted to be with him instead. No, she was all mine, but it was fun to watch her having her fun with another man.

  Over and over she moved up and down on his cock. Again and again she let out these incredible little squeals that I always loved when she was doing it with me. It was even more incredible when she was doing it with another man, though. The sight of her tits bouncing in the darkness was hypnotic. I could occasionally even see the outline of her nipples against a light in the background as they moved up and down. As their bodies came together over and over.

  Kirsten leaned forward and I reached out to touch her. Her body jumped under my touch, but she looked over and had an int
ense look on her face. So fucking intense. And then she opened her mouth and screamed, and I was so fucking glad that we were the only ones in this ride. Otherwise it would’ve been a hell of a time explaining what the hell was going on. I hoped no one had come in behind us, for that matter. Talk about an embarrassing explanation when we came out on the other side.

  Her screams coincided with Devin’s thrusts. She squeezed her eyes shut and she seemed to be having one hell of a time. I stared in fascination. It was so odd seeing her fucking from this angle after so long being the one on top of her or right next to her while she was in the throes of passion. Watching her moaning. Gasping for air. It was so fucking hot.

  Meanwhile Devin seemed to be having the ride of his life. He held her in a tight grip that almost encircled her waist. It was too dark to really see, but I almost thought I could see the outline of his cock pressing out against her slight and oh so petite stomach. I knew it was possible, but I never thought I’d see that sort of thing on Kirsten.

  It was a transfixing sight. I knew he must be holding on for dear life. This must be so fucking hard for him. I was the world’s foremost expert on the pleasures that my wife’s body, my wife’s pussy, had to offer, and I was sure he was having a hell of a time not blowing his load in her.

  I glanced ahead. I saw light in the distance. That would be us coming up on the end. And so I reached out and put a hand over Kirsten’s mouth in a panic. I didn’t want her screaming so loud that the guy running this ride got an idea of what was going on here.

  Though honestly, who the hell was I kidding? From the way that guy had been staring at us he knew exactly what was going on from the moment we’d stepped up to the loading area. No, there was going to be no hiding this. I just hoped they didn’t make a big deal out of it.

  I turned to Devin. “We’re about to the end man. If you’re going to…”

  Devin looked over at me and grinned, then he returned to staring at my wife’s back with intense concentration. His hands roamed up to feel her tits as he continued pounding away at her. I knew what he must be going through. I’d been in situations where I was under pressure like this before. It was never a pleasant feeling knowing that you had to come, that you were on a timer, and that you might not make it.


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