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Summer Lovers: A Hotwife Novel Page 8
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Page 8
"What am I looking for?"
Megan and her lady friend were walking arm in arm. I figured that would make what was going on between the two of them obvious enough, but apparently not.
"Don't you see how they’re walking together?"
"So? They’re friends! Two for one. I’m all about that!"
"Do you see the way Megan’s grabbing her friend’s ass? Seems like a little more than a friendly gesture to me."
"Yeah, that's really hot, and… Oh."
The realization slowly dawned on his face. "Oh. Damn."
"I thought you'd agree with me," I said. "Megan was making out with her earlier in the wave pool. You don't have a chance, man."
"Damn," he breathed. "I thought I was finally going to end my dry spell. I wish I knew what it was about this summer that I keep striking out!"
"Oh yeah? And what if I could set you up with a sure thing?"
Alan turned and looked at me. Cocked an eyebrow. It was obvious he didn't trust whatever I was saying. Given a couple of pranks I’d pulled on him since the beginning of the summer I could understand why he’d be a little wary of whatever I said.
That was part of the reason I made sure I had some proof from Michelle.
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about a little bit of fun with friends," I said. “No big deal.”
I felt almost as nervous as if I was asking a girl out. Of course I didn't actually want to do anything with my roommate, but I also thought of how hot he got thinking about Michelle. That had me wanting to watch him with my girlfriend. So there was almost as much of a stake in getting his interest here as there would be if I was asking a hot girl out.
Only I was asking my roommate out. Sort of. To fuck my girlfriend. Not me.
It was probably the least crazy and fucked up thing that had happened as a result of this obsession, but it was still pretty high up there on the fucked-up-o-meter.
"What's going on Luke? You’ve got that weird look going," he asked.
I took a deep breath. There was nothing for it but to bite the bullet and get it all out there. Chances are he’d jump at the opportunity, but there was also the chance he’d think it was fucked up and things would be weird for the rest of t he summer.
"What would you say to a chance with Michelle?" I asked, trying to make my voice sound as casual as possible.
It didn't work very well. I was so turned on at the idea that it drove me wild thinking about how he might react. I figured he would either jump at the opportunity or tell me to fuck off, but instead he laughed.
Okay then. Not exactly the reaction I was expecting. Still, he wasn’t pissed off. That was something.
"What's so funny?"
Alan reached out and slapped me on the back. "That’s a good one buddy, but seriously. You have a hook up with one of the girls or something? I saw you talking with Jennifer and Samantha out in the wave pool. Is one of them into me? I figured they’d be into me."
I grinned and fished out my phone. I was very glad I took the time to get a quick picture of Michelle. Hell, I was glad I’d left my phone in her office instead of in the lockers where it would’ve been a lot harder to get this picture. She'd been a little nervous, but ultimately that added to the turn on. I pulled my phone up and swiped at the images.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
I shivered in anticipation as I pulled up the picture of Michelle wearing absolutely nothing. She looked so fucking hot. One hand was down covering her pussy, but her tits were proudly on display.
I moved to the screen over in front of Alan. His eyes bugged out and he made a choking noise. I grinned. Exactly what I was hoping for.
"Like what you see?" I asked.
"Holy shit!" he said. He still sounded like he was choking on something.
"I took that picture especially for you," I said. "I wanted to make it absolutely clear that she wanted you to come to the little party we’re putting on tonight."
"Party?" he asked, licking his lips.
"Oh yeah. We're having a party with Jennifer and Samantha and Jeff. They just don't know it yet. I figured we’d invite you along as well. A thank you for how you've been so nice and the soul of discretion this summer with our hidden relationship. Not to mention the blue balls you’ve suffered listening in on me and Michelle all summer."
To be honest the invitation had more to do with the blue balls and the thought of him listening in on Michelle than anything else. Fuck was that hot in light of the obsession!
"Holy shit," Alan said. "You're serious, aren't you?"
"Totally serious. So are you in?"
"Michelle, Samantha, or Jennifer? You bet your ass I'm in!"
"I thought you'd see things my way," I said, clapping him on the back.
"So what's involved?"
"Just go wait at the entrance to the water park. I'll take care of everything else."
I watched Alan until he disappeared around a bend. I was surprised at how eager I was at the idea of having him along for the fun. There was something about knowing he'd been listening in on me and Michelle the entire time we'd been dating, knowing how hot he probably got thinking about her, that added a little extra something to the fantasy.
Damn. Who would've thought?
It did seem only fair to invite him along. Plus we shared an apartment. He was going to come back there anyways, and it would be a little awkward if he walked in on an orgy already in progress. Better to invite him in the first place and avoid any awkward situations.
Speaking of awkward situations. I took a deep breath. It was time to go and talk with Samantha and Jennifer. See if they’d be up for a little fun as well.
I wasn't sure of the answer after the way I'd abruptly left them. Then again, they were the ones who’d been testing me in the first place. They already suspected that Michelle and I were carrying on in a secret relationship. Their exchange when I was moving away from them in the wave pool earlier made a hell of a lot of more sense in light of that knowledge.
So they probably wouldn't mind that I’d left so suddenly at all. If anything, I figured they'd be surprised that I was coming back to them after so obviously running off in search of Michelle and Jeff.
Hopefully that surprise would keep them off balance long enough to get them back to the apartment where we could all have some fun. I set off for the wave pool.
"Look who decided to come back!" Jennifer said.
"Luke? We weren't expecting to see you," Samantha said.
The surprise was obvious on her face and in her voice. She probably figured I was gone to argue with Michelle for the rest of the night or something. Yeah, it was definitely a surprise to see me back for more action. I could use that. Play it up for everything it was worth.
I grinned. "How could I skip an opportunity to get with two lovely ladies such as yourself?" I asked.
I moved in closer to Jennifer. I leaned in until I was inches away from her. I figured if Michelle could pull this with me then maybe I could pull the same move with Jennifer considering how into me she’d been all summer. She licked her lips and her breathing picked up.
Oh yeah. She was primed and ready to go. This was almost going to be too easy.
"Are you sure there's not some reason why you maybe thought I would be gone for a while?" I asked.
"I think he knows," Jennifer said.
"Shut up!" Samantha hissed.
I looked between the two of them and tried to use my best sweet and innocent look. I wasn't sure exactly how sweet and innocent it was, though. I was feeling anything but in the moment.
No, my current look probably had a hell of a lot more to do with the cat who ate the canary than it did with sweet and innocent. The moment was just too delicious. I couldn't help myself. The girls looked confused, and I figured that was exactly what they deserved for all the fun they had at my expense.
"Were you thinking that I might be off somewhere with Michelle?" I asked.
and Jennifer exchanged significant looks that made it pretty damn obvious that was exactly what they thought. My grin only grew wider. I decided to get really confusing.
I pulled Jennifer in close. I pressed my lips against hers and pushed my tongue into her mouth. Not that I had to do much pushing. No, she was a more than willing participant. She moaned and wrapped her arms and legs around me.
In a flash we were grinding against one another. I heard Samantha gasp behind us, so I pulled away from the kiss with Jennifer. Turned to grin at Samantha.
"Your plan with Jeff didn't work," I said.
"What are you talking about?" Samantha asked.
"You're good Samantha. I'll give you that."
It seemed Samantha was in a mood to double down rather than just come out and admit to what she’d been doing. "What the hell are you talking about? I'm good? You're the asshole who had your fun and decided to leave us high and dry. What do you think you're doing coming back here and acting like this? You can't treat us like this!"
"Oh yeah? And what about treating people like shit by trying to get them to break up?"
"Break up?" Jennifer asked, an odd tone into her voice. "Who would you be breaking up with? As far as we know you're not with anyone…"
"You can both cut the sweet and innocent act. I know that you know. It's time to stop playing around.”
Jennifer and Samantha looked at one another. Looked back at me. Both of them sighed and gave up at the same moment.
"How did you figure it out?" Samantha asked.
Good. I got an immense sense of satisfaction knowing that it was Samantha who was finally admitting defeat. Jennifer being the one to admit defeat would just make it feel as though she was saying anything in an attempt to get with me. Samantha, on the other hand, well let's just say she didn't seem quite as interested in getting with me as Jennifer did. Her being the one to admit they were up to no good was a small victory.
"Your buddy Jeff couldn't keep his mouth shut while he was trying to get in Michelle’s pants," I said.
Jennifer growled. "I told you we shouldn't trust that asshole! Now he's ruined my chances with…"
I turned and cocked an eyebrow at her. Her face colored red and she turned away. She'd almost admitted more than she cared to just then. I couldn't help but laugh.
"If it's any consolation you almost got away with it. The only thing that gave you away was Jeff."
"So what happens now?" Samantha asked. "We know you're with Michelle which is definitely against the rules here. You know that we were trying to figure out what was going on with the two of you, though we were not trying to break you up."
"I guess it doesn't matter whether or not the two of you were trying to break us up," I said. "The end result is the same. Jeff was doing his best to split me and Michelle."
Though to be fair I was doing my best to make sure that happened as well. Wasn’t I the one who continually pushed Michelle into the arms of another man? Wasn’t I the one who let a crazy obsession take control? Without that obsession Jennifer and Samantha wouldn’t have gotten very far with their meddling.
No, this was as much my fault as it was theirs, but they didn’t have to know that. I certainly had no intention of telling them!
"That's not our fault," Jennifer whined.
"You don't need to worry so much," I said. "It's not like I'm not mad at you or anything. Quite the opposite. I have an offer that I think you'll like."
"An offer?" Jennifer asked, interest coming to her voice.
“What did you have in mind?” Samantha asked.
"What would you the two of you say to going back to a little private party at my apartment? Just you, me, Samantha, Michelle, and Jeff."
"Is this the kind of party I think it is?" Samantha asked.
"That depends," I said. "What kind of party do you want it to be?"
"I know what kind of party I wanted to be!" Jennifer said.
I leaned in and gave her another kiss. Took the opportunity to do a little more exploring of her incredible body under the waves. I figured it was fair game if Michelle had agreed to have them out to the apartment. What did it matter if I was having some of my fun before we’d actually gotten out to the apartment?
When I pulled away she was gasping for air. She locked eyes with Samantha.
“We’re getting out of here. Now.”
“Fine by me,” Samantha said. “I’m very interested in where this night is going.”
She wasn’t the only one!
12: New Plan
"Alan is coming along?" Samantha asked, surprised obvious in her voice as she saw him standing there obviously waiting for us from the way he grinned and waved as we approached the entrance.
"You didn't say anything about Alan," Jennifer said, more apprehensive than surprised.
"No he didn't…" Samantha continued.
And there was definitely interest in her voice. I found myself intrigued for my roommate. What if he'd only been striking out this summer because he hadn't been expressing his interest to the right girl? Was Samantha really into him?
"Why Samantha," I said. "If I didn't know any better I'd say you were interested in Alan!"
She turned to me and smiled. Raised an eyebrow. "So what if I am?"
"Well I'll be disappointed that it means less fun for me, but I always have to be a good wing man," I said.
Samantha reached out and slapped me on the shoulder. "You can be a good wing man to your roommate and still have fun you know.”
“I may just hold you to that,” I muttered as we got closer to Alan and the conversation died down.
Alan grinned and gave me a high five. I looked over to Samantha and saw that she was pointedly looking away from him. So hard that it was difficult not to notice how interested she was. I thought that was crazy. How could I have missed that before?
Probably because I'd been too distracted this entire summer with everything else going on. With trying to keep my relationship with Michelle under wraps. With wondering whether Jennifer was interested in me.
And lately I’d been so preoccupied with everything going on with Jeff and this stupid obsession that I didn’t have time to think about anything else!
Yeah, I had a lot on my plate without worrying about my friend’s love life on top of everything else. Still, if this worked out for him then that was great!
"So are we heading back to the apartment?" Alan asked.
I looked around. There was no Michelle in evidence. Also no Jeff. My cock twitched as I thought about what might be going on somewhere in the park. Was she busy getting it on with him? Had they gotten so distracted thinking about what they were going to do that they decided not to join us after all?
Too many questions. Too many questions by far. I resisted the urge to go off into the park and look for them, though. It would be just my luck that as soon as I went looking for them they would show up out here and then I’d be the one missing instead. That could turn into a never-ending cycle of people going off to look for each other.
Better to stay put and hope they showed up instead of going off somewhere in the park to consummate their lust where I wouldn’t have the pleasure of watching.
Only for a surprise Jeff came sauntering up to us with a grin on his face a moment later. He looked at me and paused for a moment. There was an awkward moment where it was obvious he knew that I knew what he'd been up to. Then he grinned and stuck his hand out.
I looked down, not quite sure what to think of this moment. Sure there was some awkwardness, but at the same time I figured I was the one who'd been encouraging him to go after Michelle in the first place. I was the one who'd been so turned on by the idea of him with my girl that I'd practically thrown him at her.
Next to that, could I really be mad at him for taking the opportunity I'd handed to him on a silver platter? Especially when that opportunity meant he was helping to fulfill one hell of a fantasy for me?
No. Realistically there wasn't any way I could
stay mad at him. Not considering everything that had happened. And so I stuck my hand out. Took his. He had a firm grip.
"No hard feelings? he asked.
"The only hard feelings I want for you is your cock inside Michelle," I replied.
That was worth a couple of interested looks from everyone else. I didn't care, though. They had to realize that I didn't have a problem with other guys getting with Michelle if I was going ahead with this plan to take everyone back to the apartment for an impromptu orgy.
That wasn't the kind of thing you did if you had a problem with your significant other getting it on with other people!
"So where is Michelle anyways?" Jeff asked.
I blinked. "What are you talking about? She's not with you?"
Jeff made a production of looking around. "Obviously she's not with me. I figured she'd be with you."
I shook my head. "Nope. I went off to find Alan and Jennifer and Samantha. Michelle was supposed to find you.”
"Well damn. Where did she disappear to?"
The answer came in the form of a crackle from the loudspeaker. A moment later Michelle's voice came over the line.
"You know what time it is everybody," she said.
There was a collective groan from everybody in the park. I could hear it even up here at the front entrance. A steady stream of people started moving towards us. It was like a zombie apocalypse, if the zombies in said apocalypse were only wearing swimsuits and all had toned and hot bodies.
That was the kind of zombie apocalypse I could learn to enjoy!
"Whatever you're doing, whoever you're doing, finish up and head towards the front entrance,” Michelle’s voice continued over the park PA. “It's time to call it a night. If you're scheduled to work tomorrow then I'll see you in the a.m. Remember that staying out late banging whoever you hooked up with tonight isn't an excuse to miss work tomorrow!"
There was another collective groan from everybody left in the park, but the steady stream of bodies continued towards the exit. And from the amount of hands doing some exploring it was pretty damn obvious that a lot of post-party hooking up was in the works.