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Between Friends: A Hotwife Novel Page 9
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Page 9
And suddenly I could see through her scheming. She wasn’t out here because she wanted another chance at us. No, she was out here because she wanted to get back together with me long enough that she could turn around and dump me for some reason and then feel like she was the one with the upper hand in the breakup.
Like I would be crazy enough to let her do anything like that.
“I told you Teresa, there is no way this is happening. You cheated on me!”
She moved in closer. Reached up and put a hand on my chest. Ran it down until she was grabbing my cock without a care in the world for all the people walking past us who might not enjoy seeing that sort of thing in a family-friendly amusement park. She looked up at me and smiled a half smile with a twinkle in her eye. It was the sort of look that I used to love. The sort of look that meant I was in for a very interesting time. The sort of look that usually made me putty in her hands.
Thank God I’d just gotten laid with Kirsten. I was in that surprisingly honest space right after blowing a load. At that moment where sexual desire had no power over me. And it was a damn good thing I was in that narrow window, too. Because otherwise I might’ve actually fallen for what she was pulling. I would’ve hated myself every step of the way, but there was a chance I would’ve bought into her bullshit.
As it was, I was in no mood for said bullshit.
“Are you sure you don’t want to at least give it a chance? I’d be willing to do almost anything to have you back,” she said.
Damn. She was bringing out the big guns now. I thought back to all the times I tried to get with her over the past couple of months and she hadn’t seemed all that interested. We maybe had sex once a month during that stretch. That should’ve been one hell of a warning sign, but of course I hadn’t paid attention to those any more than I’d paid attention to the alarm bells going off during the incident with the dress.
“So you’d do anything, would you?”
Teresa looked up at me with a hopeful smile on her face. If only she knew. If she was willing to throw a Hail Mary pass then I was more than willing to take advantage of that. At least as long as it took to get a little bit back at her for cheating on me. Get my revenge, then call it a day. That sounded like a good plan.
There was no way that I intended to actually get back with her. Not a chance in hell that was happening!
“I promise you. Anything,” she said.
I glanced over my shoulder to Kirsten and Trevor. I thought about all the times I’d seen Trevor staring at Teresa over the years. More than anything I wondered if they would be willing to go along with the plan that was coming together in my mind.
“I don’t know,” I said. “I can think of some pretty depraved things you never were all that interested in trying.”
“I promise you I’ll do whatever it takes to get you back,” she said.
Okay then. She was laying it on pretty thick now. I also noticed that she failed to mention she was doing whatever it took to get me back just long enough that she could dump my ass and have a good laugh about it. I still had no doubt that was her ultimate plan. Still, I figured I could take advantage of the situation. We’d see who had the last laugh here.
I shrugged. “Fine then. Maybe if you prove to me that you really are interested in getting back together, that you really want me, I’ll consider getting back with you. We’ll have to see how things go for the rest of the weekend.”
Her face lit up with a smile. It wasn’t a pleasant smile, though. No, it was a scheming smile. It was the sort of smile that should’ve been followed by maniacal laughter or twirling a mustache. Not that she had a mustache. You know what I’m talking about, though. Then she seemed to realize what she was doing and she wrapped her arms around me in a hug.
I couldn’t help but notice how good she felt pressing against me. Sure she was a bitch who’d broken my heart and been cheating on me, but she was still a hot girl. Hell, if I saw her while I was out and we were complete strangers I wouldn’t be against a one night stand with her. Of course things were a little more complicated than that thanks to her cheating, but still. Hot girl. Hard dick. It was a simple equation.
“I’m so glad you’re giving me another chance,” she said. “I’ll prove to you that I want you back!”
“Yeah, I bet you will.”
If only she’d wanted me this much back when she was cheating on me. But that was in the past. This was now. It was time to have a little bit of revenge. I just hoped she was telling the truth about being willing to do just about anything.
Then again, even if she wasn’t serious about that, at the very least I’d get to see her amused reaction when she realized what I was going to ask her to do. I figured either way it was a win, even if one way was winning way more than the other.
11: Adventurous
“What do you think they’re talking about?”
Trevor leaned in close. “If I know Teresa, and I think I do, she probably came out here to get him back with her long enough that she could turn around and dump him.”
I looked her up and down. She was certainly dressed for seduction. She had on a pair of impossibly short shorts, and I thought I could see a bikini bottom peeking out from the bottom of those shorts. Up top she had on a tank top and bikini top that matched those bottoms. She looked good.
“You know I think you might be right honey,” I said.
I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. On the one hand it was his life and he could do whatever he wanted. On the other hand I couldn’t help but feel like he was making a mistake. And I felt like he was making a mistake on several levels. On the one hand getting back with her after she’d cheated on him would be a terrible fucking idea.
And then there was a new wrinkle to this whole situation. There was what we’d just done in that ride. I felt a possessive jealous streak. It was weird to feel that about a man other than Trevor, but that’s how it was. I’d just fucked Devin, and I wanted more of that this weekend. I suddenly worried that Teresa showing up and trying to distract him would be the end of that fun. And we’d had such a promising start, too.
Yeah, to say I wanted to go over there and claw her eyes out would be a bit of an understatement. But I played nice. I didn’t go over there and say anything. I didn’t want to reveal anything just yet and risk an even bigger blow up online.
Besides, this was his mistake to make, after all. If he decided he wanted to get with her after she cheated on him so spectacularly then I couldn’t really say anything. It’s not like we were actually dating or anything. We’d just fucked once, and I was married to another man.
Getting jealous in the first place was crazy and fucked up, even though I still felt a wobbliness in my legs from the strength of the fucking we’d just enjoyed together. Even though I still felt a longing in the pit of my stomach that could only be satisfied by his cock. Oh, and maybe Trevor getting involved the next time as well.
“Do you think he’s going to fall for it?” Trevor asked.
“I sure as fuck hope he doesn’t,” I replied.
Trevor elbowed me in the side. “Why’s that? Are you afraid you’re going to be stuck fucking me the rest of the weekend instead of your new play toy?”
I looked up at him and stuck my tongue out. “Don’t act like you didn’t want that as much as I did mister. Besides, if he decides to take her back and they end up in the hotel room then there’s not going to be any fucking at all for the rest of the weekend. Not to mention we’ll have to listen to them arguing.”
Trevor looked over at them and raised an eyebrow. He seemed to be considering something. He moved his hand up to his chin and started stroking it as though there was a beard there, which of course there wasn’t. I know that might be the trend now, but I couldn’t stand beards on my man.
“I don’t know. I wouldn’t be against a little fun with Teresa.”
I fixed him with my best “are you fucking serious” expression. He looked down at me and grinned. It was his best disarming grin, but
it didn’t hold a candle to my best “are you fucking kidding me?” look.
“What?” he asked. “Aren’t you the one who just had sex with another man while I watched?”
“I’ll remind you that I did that with your blessing,” I said. “Your encouragement, even.”
“So you wouldn’t give me permission to have fun with another woman?”
“That’s not what I’m talking about here,” I said.
“Oh? So what’s the problem?” Trevor asked.
“I figure the problem is more that we’re talking about Teresa than anything else,” I said. “After all, who knows what she might have? Or how many guys she’s been with, for that matter.”
Trevor shrugged. “I’m not saying I wouldn’t use a condom. Just that it might be fun. I don’t think anything like that is in the offing, either way.”
I looked over at her. “I suppose you’re right. Maybe if you used a condom.”
“You’re one to talk,” Trevor said.
This time I fixed him with my best sweet and innocent look. It wasn’t quite the same as my best “are you fucking kidding me?” look, but it was pretty close. I’d been practicing this one longer, but there was usually more anger and emotion behind the other one.
“What ever are you talking about my dear husband?”
There was a warning undercurrent to my tone. I had a feeling I knew exactly what he was about to bring up, and I didn’t care for that old reference.
“A show of hands if you’ve made out with Teresa before,” he said.
I stood there for a moment staring daggers at him. Yeah, it looked like he’d decided to go there after all. The big jerk. Finally, grudgingly, I raised my hand. I kept the glare up as well, though. He knew exactly what he was doing. The asshole.
He smirked. “That’s what I thought.”
“I still maintain that I was a little drunk that night,” I said.
“I don’t care. That was fucking hot. Even if it’s probably not going to happen again.”
I stepped in closer to Trevor. He glanced over to where Teresa and Devin were still talking. They seemed to be having one hell of a heated conversation. That was hardly a surprise, though, considering what she’d done to him.
“Oh yeah? So you’re telling me that if I got with a girl you wouldn’t be interested? It’s only the guys that get you going?”
“I didn’t say anything of the sort,” Trevor said. “I just said that I don’t think you and Teresa would happen.”
I cocked an eyebrow. “That sounds almost like a challenge.”
Trevor laughed. “It’s not a challenge. It’s just plain not going to happen.”
I turned around and looked at Devin and Teresa. They were a hot couple, even if one of them was a cheating bitch. I was still furious with her. It was difficult not to be furious with her considering I’d spent the better part of the morning arguing back and forth with her online telling her what a cheating whore she was.
At first I thought that the heat I felt looking at her now was a result of that argument, but the more I stared at her the more I thought back to that night we’d made out. The night Trevor thought was so hot. That had been pretty hot, and it scratched an itch that I hadn’t gotten to enjoy all that much since I got with Trevor. Though it was entirely possible I would get to have some fun with the fairer sex moving forward if this sharing arrangement continued in much the same way as it had with Devin.
Still, I wasn’t sure if I wanted that to be with Teresa. I was so mad at her, but at the same time a good old grudge fuck seemed like just the thing.
Of course I knew that was purely in the realm of fantasy. No, with the way Devin and Teresa had been arguing, especially with the way I’d been arguing with her online, I figured there wasn’t a chance in hell anything like that was ever going to happen. They were probably going to finish their argument, Devin would come over and rejoin us, and we could finish the weekend and not think about her again. I had no doubt that he was going to kick her to the curb.
Even as I watched they seemed to finish off their conversation. Devin came over with a smile on his face, and to my surprise Teresa came right along with him. Now what the hell was going on here?
“So what would you guys think to Teresa joining us for the rest of the day?” Devin asked.
He fixed Trevor and I both with significant glances that were completely lost on Teresa since she was slightly behind him and out of line of sight. She couldn’t see what he was doing.
“Um…” Trevor said, but now it was my turn to nudge him in the side.
Something was going on here. Devin had a twinkle in his eye and a half smile on his face that told me he was up to something. It seemed we weren’t done with the plotting and scheming just yet. I wondered what he had up his sleeve now. And I suddenly felt a rush of excitement that was similar to what I’d felt earlier when I was teasing Devin. I wondered if maybe I would get that chance with Teresa after all.
Trevor let out a cough as I elbowed him in the side. He shot a dirty glance my way.
“What the…”
He quieted down at a second significant look from me. The sort of look that meant he needed to quiet down and he needed to do it soon.
“I mean that would probably be okay,” he said. “We were planning on spending the weekend together, after all. I guess it doesn’t matter if we go back to the original plan, does it?”
It was nice to know he could quiet down when it was needed. There was a chance he could’ve screwed the whole thing up if he opened his big mouth.
“So where do you want to go next?” Trevor asked. “A roller coaster? Over to the water park?”
Trevor wasn’t making any secret of staring at Teresa. I had no doubt what sort of ride he would’ve liked to go on as he looked her up and down openly. He particularly seemed to be paying attention to her swimsuit that was barely concealed by her tight clothes.
“My vote is for the water park,” he said.
Yeah, I bet his vote was for the water park. Not that I could get that upset with him considering what I’d just done with Devin. Besides, him staring at Teresa was hardly new on these trips.
I looked over to Devin and Teresa. She shrugged, but she was also looking at Trevor with as much interest as he was staring at her.
Teresa had a sickly sweet smile on her face. Maybe she was thinking about how much fun it would be to have a little bit of fun with my husband? Not that I thought for a moment that he was one of the men she’d been with. No, he would’ve told me all about that. No secrets between us.
Still, that interest was intriguing. It made me wonder where the day was going.
“I’ll go wherever Devin wants to go,” Teresa said.
And she punctuated that by leaning forward and pressing her arm against Devin. Leaned up and actually batted her eyelashes at him! I didn’t think girls actually did that, but she seemed to be laying it on pretty damn quick. Oh yeah, she really wanted to get back into his good graces for some fucking reason. I had a feeling I knew why. I had a feeling our conversation had been absolutely right, but I wasn’t going to say anything.
“The water park sounds fun,” Devin said. “I wouldn’t mind seeing you in a bikini Kirsten.”
Well then. He was certainly being bold. Teresa’s eyes went wide. She wasn’t happy about him talking about me like that. And yet at the same time I couldn’t resist poking the bear just a little bit.
“Really? Are you sure you don’t want a little preview?” I asked. I started pulling my tank top down. “I’m just wearing a bra underneath, but you get the idea…”
“Maybe that should wait until we get to the park?” Trevor asked.
I stopped with my tank top about halfway down over my bra. My tits were almost exposed, but not quite. If I pulled this down any more then I was going to give a show to everyone walking around us. Already I could see a couple of women giving me dirty looks even as their husbands were staring at me with open-mouthed astonishment. A
t least they stared until their wives realized what they were doing and pulled them away.
Meanwhile Teresa fumed. She looked like she wanted to reach out and claw my eyes out. Well, she could eat her fucking heart out. As far as I was concerned Devin was mine right now. She was the one who decided he wasn’t good enough for her and tossed him aside like he was nothing, after all. Besides, I was still pissed off about everything that happened that morning online, all the nasty things she’d said, that I was more than happy to get back at her in my own special way.
If my own special way involved showing off and teasing in the same way that I had for the rest of the day then that was just fine with me. I’d been worried that the teasing might come to an end now that we’d consummated this flirtation we’d been doing all day long, but with Teresa here it meant a new player had entered the game. It meant I could still have a little bit of fun. Both the fun of teasing Devin and Trevor, and the fun of pissing Teresa off in the process.
What more could a girl ask for?
“Why are you talking to her like that with me right here?” Teresa asked.
Devin looked over to her and cocked an eyebrow. “Good question. Why did you think it was necessary to fuck another guy in our bed? Seems like flirting with Kirsten is pretty tame compared to what you’ve been up to.”
Teresa looked down but her face colored at that. Though she didn’t seem to be embarrassed. No, her teeth were grinding and she was glowering. That wasn’t a blush. She was pissed off.
And for some reason she wasn’t saying anything despite being royally pissed off. This just got more and more interesting. I wished I could talk with Devin and figure out what his game was, but something told me Teresa wasn’t going to let him get away from her long enough to figure anything out.
So I’d keep my mouth shut and see where the day took us.
“All right then,” Devin said.
He ignored Teresa’s anger completely. If anything that seemed to make her even more angry, though she didn’t say a word. She usually had a hot temper. Usually she would be all over him for doing something like that, but the fact that she didn’t say anything spoke volumes.