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Summer Lovers: A Hotwife Novel Page 2
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I wasn't going back to that. I couldn't go back to that. One of the reasons I took the damn lifeguarding class back when I was still in high school was so I would have something to fall back on for summer jobs and never have to go back to a service job again.
So yeah, it was with more than a little interest that I listened in on the girls’ conversation. If rumors like that were already flying then there was a good chance they might get back to Stan the man. And if they got back to big Stan then he might start sticking his nose in where it wasn't wanted. Ruining the fun. Sure it was fun that came at the expense of official water park policy, but I didn't care about that. Some days it seemed like that was the one official water park policy that was actually enforced.
Well that and the whole “don’t let people die or you lose your job” policy. That was a good one to observe too.
"I heard a juicy rumor about those two," Samantha said.
Juicy rumors were always interesting. Especially when they had to do with me and my smoking hot girlfriend.
"Is it the one about the lazy river?"
I frowned. I couldn't remember ever getting it on with Michelle in the lazy river. I’d never be interested in fucking in that thing. I saw what people did in it all day long. No thank you! There were times I felt like I could get an STI just from looking at the thing despite all the chlorine. Never mind actually fucking in it.
"Not the lazy river. I'm talking about back in that little manager shack she has!" Samantha said.
I had to fight off a grin. I didn't think either of them were looking over at me, but I figured better safe than sorry. A grin would make it pretty damn obvious that I was listening in on their conversation, and we couldn't have that.
Besides, Michelle and I had gotten frisky in the manager shack on more than one occasion. There was at least one time when I was certain we'd been caught, but it turned out Alan was the one coming up to knock on the door. Either he hadn't heard anything or he decided to be a bro and keep his mouth shut. Besides, he already knew about us since it was pretty hard to keep something like who I was sleeping with secret from a guy I lived with. At least I'd assumed he’d kept his mouth shut. From the way these two girls were gossiping maybe I'd been wrong about how much of a bro my roommate was. Maybe he did deserve being stuck in the lurch paying his own rent for the rest of the summer. Especially if he was the one that caused this!
The asshole.
No. No point in throwing my roommate under the bus just yet. I needed to wait and find out what the hell was going on here. Get more information.
"I heard Megan walked in on the two of them. That they were making out pretty hot and heavy. She had her legs wrapped around him and everything!"
This was a getting more and more odd. The one time we'd nearly been caught it had been Alan. Not Megan. This story wasn't matching up at all.
On the one hand I was relieved that I didn't have to be pissed off at my roommate, but on the other hand I was left wondering exactly what the hell was going on here. What the hell were they talking about?
"God! I'd let him do me on that cheap desk. Just think of those muscles! It's like looking at Arnold from the old days or something!" Samantha said.
"Arnold? That grandpa? Seriously?" Jennifer replied.
"Hey!" Samantha said. "He was hot back in the day!"
"Whatever," Jennifer said. "I didn't know you were the type to get off the old black-and-white photos."
"Whatever," Samantha said.
Okay. Now I was well and truly perplexed. Built like Arnold? Sure I was in good shape. I had a classic swimmer’s build with some muscle from lifting, but I definitely didn't have anything that came close to being built like Arnold. I was in good shape, but I wasn't exactly a bodybuilder. There was only one person in the entire place that I could think of who had a bodybuilder’s physique. And that was…
No. No way. Not a chance in hell. Michelle said I was the only guy for her, and yet the only person who fit the description Jennifer and Samantha were going on about was Jeff.
Was it really possible that Michelle was getting down with Jeff behind my back? It seemed impossible. It's not like she had much spare time what with being so busy trying to keep the place running.
And yet she had time to sneak away with me. She had time to have fun in the guard shack. The sort of fun that almost got us caught by Alan on at least one occasion. If it was possible for her to have that sort of fun with me then wouldn't it also be possible for her to have that sort of fun with another man?
She was the manager, after all. Could she be running an entire harem of lifeguards? Was she just picking up guys and having her way with them? Too many questions. Too many fucking questions.
They'd avoided using names, but I had to know. And so I opened my eyes. Pulled an earbud that had never been playing music in the first place out. Glanced over to the girls.
"Hey," I said.
Both turned and smiled at me. Jennifer looked me up and down. Normally something like that would have thrilled me but on this occasion I was understandably preoccupied with other things.
"What's up Luke?" Samantha asked.
"I was just wondering who the lucky bastard was who got with Michelle?"
I knew the lucky bastard they were talking about wasn't me. Otherwise they would’ve reacted with a little more surprise when I called out to them. They would’ve been more worried when it became obvious I'd been listening in on their conversation. But none of that happened. They just looked at each other and giggled.
Not good. Not a good response at all.
"Who do you think we’re talking about?" Samantha asked. "There's only one guy out here who’s built like a bodybuilder!"
"No offense to you," Jennifer said. "You've definitely got that ripped look going on. But Jeff is the only guy out here who actually takes it all the way. Those muscles are huge!"
I nodded. Smiled, though it was a sickly smile. My worst fears were confirmed. The gossip going around wasn't that I was getting with Michelle. No, the gossip was that Michelle was getting with Jeff. The resident muscle head. Sure I could see why girls might go for him, he did have that whole built looked going for him, but at the same time it infuriated me that there was a rumor going around about those two and not about me and Michelle.
It also infuriated me that there was even a chance she might be stepping out on me. Sure we'd only been dating for a month or so, but I thought things were going pretty well. I didn't think she'd feel the need to go stepping out on me with another guy. Hell, I wondered when she’d find the time to step out on me with another guy considering we spent just about every moment we could together after work. You had to make the most of summer love, after all. Though maybe not so much in our case considering we were going back to the same school in the fall.
Either way, I needed to know more about this. I needed to find out if there was any truth to the rumor mill. And there was no doubt in my mind that this was quickly going to become a big part of the rumor mill. After all, it seemed like Samantha and Jennifer were usually smack dab in the middle of those rumors. If they said something you could be sure everyone would know about it by the end of the day if they didn’t already.
Of course if I was being perfectly honest with myself, which I wasn't, there was another reason I was interested in finding out exactly what might be going on between my girlfriend and Jeff. My cock stirred, and it had nothing to do with Samantha and Jennifer over there in their suits, though they were still looking pretty damn good. Then again, there wasn't a girl working at this place who didn't look good in her tight fitting suit.
I was getting distracted by the sexy, though. No, the real reason I was so intrigued was because of the idea of Michelle with another guy. I ran the same vision through my head that I'm sure Jennifer and Samantha had been running through their heads a moment ago, though I was probably getting turned on for an entirely different reason. I was intrigued. Intrigued by the idea of him running his hands all over my gi
rlfriend. Intrigued by the idea of them leaning back on that cheap desk, as the girls had so eloquently put it, and pressing his cock against her. His body dwarfing her petite frame with those incredible tits.
I imagined him running his hands all over her. Slipping his fingers inside her swimsuit in a move that I loved to do with her.
In short, it was sending me into a frenzy of lust thinking about another man getting with my girlfriend. A frenzy of lust that was completely crazy. What kind of guy thought about his girl getting with another guy and got turned on by it? Honestly! It was nuts.
And yet it was all I could think about. The only thing that pulled me out of that brief reverie was the alarm beeping on my phone. I looked down and sighed. It was time for me to go back to the salt mines. Back to listening to people complaining about their kids getting yelled at. It was a living, though. And it kept me employed and in my apartment.
I suppose I could be relieved there wasn't any immediate danger of losing my job.
I sighed and stood. Gave a quick wave to Jennifer and Samantha which was greeted with a return wave from both of them. Jennifer gave me a smile and a wink.
Yeah, that was definitely something very interesting that would have been worth exploring if I wasn't already with Michelle. Then again, it might be worth exploring by the end of the summer if it turned out Michelle was actually doing what she was rumored to be doing and suddenly I was single. Hell, it might even be worth exploring if it turned out she was having some fun with Jeff and we decided to come to an arrangement, because I couldn't get the thought of her with him out of my mind and it was turning me on more than it was pissing me off.
Talk about fucked up, but then again what better time than a summer away from any consequences to maybe do a little bit of exploration?
3: Intrusive Fantasy
"So have you heard any rumors going around about Michelle?"
Rumors? You mean like she’s banging one of her lifeguards?"
Fear stabbed through me. Alan going right to exactly what I'd feared was cause for worry.
"Yeah. Something like that," I said.
Alan shook his head and laughed. "As far as I know I'm the only person who's ever come close to walking in on the two of you, and I already knew about you since you’re over here fucking every other day. You can rest assured your secret is safe with me."
Damn it. He thought I was trying to see if there were any rumors about me and Michelle. No, that's not what I was interested in. I was more interested in the rumor mill concerning Michelle and Jeff. Alan seemed to notice something was up.
"Something tells me that's not the answer you were looking for," he said. "What's up?"
I opened my mouth to tell him exactly what I'd overheard in the break room earlier, but before I could there was a light knock on the door. I felt a mixture of anticipation and worry at that knock. That light knock could be only one person.
How long had she been standing on the other side of the door? Did she hear me asking questions? Would those questions make her wonder if I knew something about her and Jeff? Assuming there was even something going on between her and Jeff?
All those thoughts tumbled through my mind at nearly light speed before I took a deep calming breath and told myself that I was overreacting. Alan and I were in the kitchen, after all, and the door was on the other side of our living area. She’d have to have super hearing or something to overhear our conversation.
"We can talk about it later," I said.
Alan grinned. "Don't worry stud. I'm sure by the end of the summer everybody will know exactly who you’ve been banging."
"Yeah," I said, my heart not really in it for a change. "Sounds great."
Oh to go back to those carefree days when the biggest worry I had for the summer was whether or not people would eventually realize that I was dating Michelle. I’d been looking forward to making the announcement at the end of the summer when it wouldn't matter anymore. Seeing the gobsmacked look on everybody's faces. Only now that was the least of my worries.
No, far higher on my list was whether or not she was banging Jeff on the side. Only I don't know if I’d even call it a worry. It was becoming more of an obsession. A crazy, unhealthy obsession.
I pulled open the door and Michelle stood there looking positively radiant. She smiled and seemed to light up the whole room.
And her outfit. Damn.
She was in the classic off-duty lifeguard attire of a tank top with thin spaghetti straps running over her shoulders and a pair of shorts that managed to be both baggy and tight at the same time. I'm not sure how she managed to pull that off, but it always worked. Of course she was beautiful enough that it didn't matter what she wore. She’d be gorgeous no matter what.
I thought back to Jeff staring at her walking away earlier. I wondered exactly what they’d talked about before she came over to talk with me. I wondered if she'd given him the same sort of show that I'd gotten with pulling the suit out. That was a well practiced move she enjoyed pulling on me. Had she pulled it with another guy?
"Are you okay Luke?" she asked.
I shook my head and came back to reality.
"Sorry about that," I said. "I've been preoccupied today."
She grinned and moved into the apartment. Took my hand and moved towards the stairs.
"Well let me see if I can preoccupy you some more. Maybe deliver on that promise I gave you earlier at the lazy river?"
I licked my lips. I looked over to Alan who shrugged and gave me a thumbs up from across the apartment. He knew the drill. Michelle and I spent most of our time up in my room. I'm sure the noises disturbed him from time to time, but at the same time I'm sure he didn't mind hearing those noises coming from Michelle. He was privileged to get to hear them.
I found myself getting more than a little turned on at the idea of him listening in on Michelle gasping and moaning. What was wrong with me? What was coming over me?
Of course getting turned on listening in on me and Michelle was about as close as Alan had gotten to getting laid all summer. For some reason the guy was having the most terrible luck with the ladies. Not that it was really my problem right now. No, I had Michelle and my own problems to worry about without adding my roommate’s to that list.
All that left my mind as we moved up the stairs and I was treated to the always gorgeous sight of her tight ass in those shorts. They were loose enough around the bottom that I could see the outlines of her ass cheeks. It looked like she'd decided to go with a thong rather than traditional panties, and that was fine with me.
We stepped into my room and Michelle slammed the door shut. She stood there staring at me with pure lust in her eyes. And yet all I could think about was whether or not she'd been staring at another man with that same look of pure lust in her eyes. Was I really the only lucky son-of-a-bitch who got to see her at her naughtiest this summer?
Then she advanced on me.
"I've been so turned on since letting you go on your break," she said as she advanced on me. Like a sexy cat stalking across the room. And she was staring at me like I was a delicious morsel she was ready to devour.
I was ready for her to devour me. I swallowed.
"Really? Any particular reason?"
I could think of one reason why she’d be turned on after talking to me. Because she'd been talking to Jeff before. It was a crazy thought, but that was the way my mind worked in the moment.
"Does a girl really need a reason to want her boyfriend?" she asked.
And then she pounced on me. Her arms wrapped around my neck, her mouth descended on mine, and her legs wrapped around me. She was light, and it was easy enough for me to hold her up. And my ability to hold her up so easily had me wondering if maybe someone who was a little more muscular had been doing the same.
In my mind I was Jeff. Holding her up as she pounced on me in the manager's shack. Surprised that she was doing this, but also not giving up the opportunity to be with the ho
ttest piece of ass at the job.
I felt lightheaded and that was enough to send me stumbling back. I lost my footing and nearly went to the floor with both of us. I only managed to recover, and that slipup was enough for Michelle to pull away. Pulling her body and her delicious tongue away from me at the same time. I groaned in frustration.
"What's wrong?"
I shook my head. It's not like I could very well explain to her that I was fantasizing about her fucking the resident muscle head at our job. That could go one of two ways. Either she actually was fucking him and it would result in a huge argument even though she'd been caught, or she wasn't fucking him and it would result in a huge argument because how dare I ever think she would be capable of doing something like that.
Either way it was a losing proposition for me. I'd been around the block often enough to know when to play the game, and this was a time to hold back.
"Nothing," I lied.
And then I moved in. My mouth descended on hers again. Our tongues danced with one another once more, and I was intoxicated by the feel of her. I moved back, and this time when I went tumbling back it was onto the comfortable and soft bed that I called home for the summer. The bed where I'd done all sorts of depraved things with Michelle over the past month.
The real question was, had she been doing similarly depraved things with Jeff? With other guys? She was over at my house most evenings, but there'd been a couple of times when she called off. Said she wasn't feeling well, or that she was busy at work. Was she really busy at work, or was she "working late" in the sense that it was a convenient excuse for her to go off and have some fun with her piece on the side?
I had no way of knowing short of coming out and asking her, and there wasn't a chance I was going to come out and ask her for the aforementioned reasons.
So I concentrated on the feeling of her body pressing against me. On the gasps and moans. On the feeling of her tight body. It was the sort of tight body that could only belong to an insanely hot college woman who spent plenty of time working out. Plenty of time staying in shape. And damn had all that time on the ellipticals and the weight machines done her body good!