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Summer Lovers: A Hotwife Novel Page 3
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Just as much as it had done my body good. We were two people in the physical prime of our lives, and it was glorious as our bodies came together. As I fumbled with her tank top. Pulled it up and watched her tits bounce free. She didn't even bother wearing a bra, though she was petite enough that it's not like it was an issue.
Her tits were perfect orbs that complimented her frame and defied gravity. Perfect orbs capped with beautiful pink nipples that I just wanted to suck every time I saw her tits. Particularly when I saw her walking through the water park with her nipples straining out against the thin material of her suit. Particularly when I saw other guys staring at her, soccer dads or other lifeguards, and imagined them thinking about what they'd like to do to my girlfriend’s tits.
Damn. I guess getting turned on by other guys getting turned on by my girlfriend wasn't exactly a new thing. I’d just never quite been able to articulate my feelings on the matter until today when the gossip brought it into sharp relief.
When I moved my mouth up and ran my tongue around her delicious nipple that was presented for me to devour I wondered if I was the only guy the summer to do that. Had Jeff explored this territory as well? Had he already run his hands all over my girlfriend? Had he tasted her nipples that always seemed to have a sweet taste to them? A tempting mix of whatever body wash she used and the lotion she was constantly putting on to ward off the effects of being out in the sun all day long.
I liked to think it was just the taste of her, though. Ever since we’d started dating I'd been getting half a hard on every time I smelled sunscreen. Do you have any idea how fucking annoying it is to get half a hard on every time you smell sunscreen working at a fucking water park?
I pressed my cock up against her. Her warm pussy begged for me. Had her warm wet pussy begged for Jeff? Had she been on top of him grinding like this? The thought very nearly made me come in my pants. I reached down and grabbed her hips. Put an emergency stop to the proceedings.
Once more she pulled away from our kiss. Looked down at me with a cocked eyebrow as though I was crazy. And she was probably right, to a certain degree. I certainly felt crazy. Why did these thoughts keep intruding? Why did I keep imagining her with another man?
Sure I'd thought of her with other girls, before, but that was just your basic red-blooded American male girl-on-girl fantasy. This was something different. This was a primal need. A desire to see my girlfriend with another man.
Fuck. A desire to see her with another man? Did I really just think that?
"Seriously Luke," Michelle said. "What's going on? Do I have bad breath or something?"
Shit. The last thing I wanted was to explain this ridiculous fantasy to her. Sure I'd just had one hell of a revelation. I wasn't just into the idea of other guys checking her out. I was into the idea of other guys fucking her! But I wasn't going to breathe a word of it to her.
So I didn't answer her in words. No, instead I rolled on top of her. Growled and thrust my cock against her pussy. She squealed in delight as I reached down and pulled down on those pants that were both baggy and oh so tight at the same time. That exposed her thong to me as we walked up the stairs. A thong that came into view as I pulled her pants down. As I revealed inch after inch of her perfectly toned and tanned body.
Not a hint of tan lines. Obviously she laid out and worked on her tan. She said she did it at a tanning bed just down the street from the water park, but I imagined her tanning out in the open. Casually pulling her top off in the middle of the apartment complex and letting all the guys down there get an eyeful of her treasures. That thought turned me on. Apparently I was equal opportunity, not just confined to Jeff, when it came to fantasizing about other men getting with my beautiful Michelle.
I hopped off the bed and Michelle giggled as I quickly got out of my clothes. Threw them to the side and hopped on top of her. God she felt so incredible. She tasted so exquisite. Everything about her was perfect. Was it any wonder other men stared at her? Imagined what it felt like to get with her? I couldn't exactly blame them for having those thoughts. After all, it was exactly those thoughts that led to the two of us getting together!
I moved up in between her legs, my cock rock hard, and pressed against her thong. Teased her for a moment by running the head up and down the slit of her pussy with only a small bit of fabric keeping me from the ultimate pleasure.
Michelle gasped, her entire body undulating and moving under me.
"Just do it," she whimpered. "I've needed this for so long. I've been turned on all day…"
Was she turned on because she wanted me? Or was she turned on because she'd been thinking of Jeff and I was a convenient way for her to take out some of that excess energy?
I didn't give a fuck. And so I reached down and flipped her thong aside. Slid inside her.
I groaned as I felt her wrap around me. God she was always so fucking tight. So incredible! Definitely not the pussy of a woman who fucked around. And why was I disappointed at that thought? Why did it annoy me that she might not fuck around? Why did I suddenly find myself hoping she'd cheated on me?
Again, what the fuck was going on here? This was fucked up!
And yet I was going with it. I imagined I was Jeff sinking into her for the first time. Filling her body. Pumping deep inside her. Looking down at her body, down at her tits bouncing up and down with each lewd thrust, and marveling that I finally got a chance with this beauty.
I slammed into her with reckless abandon. With more force than I think I'd ever fucked her with before, and from the way she gasped and moaned under me, from the way her hips churned up to meet with mine, it seemed she enjoyed that extra forceful fucking. She bit her lip and moaned even louder.
It was pretty fucking obvious she was trying to keep it under control so that Alan wouldn't here, but it's not like that had ever stopped her from screaming before. She always got to the point where she was so turned on that she couldn't hold it in any longer, and it was clear she was close to that point of no return now.
Hell, I was pretty fucking close to that point of no return myself. The extra juice I was getting from imagining Jeff fucking her was too much. I grunted one final time and plowed inside her as she screamed below me. As she was taken by one hell of an intense orgasm of her own.
I unloaded inside her. Filled her with my seed. Imagined it was Jeff unloading inside her. Hell, imagined I was some lucky soccer dad who brought the kids and the wife to the water park for the weekend and then the local hottie of the lifeguards pulled me aside and rocked my world in a secluded but very public location.
Damn. This was intense. This was threatening to make me pass out. It was almost more than my body could handle. I felt the delicious tingle of my orgasm running from my cock through the rest of my body. It was too fucking much! My vision went black for a moment and when I came to I was still over Michelle, but she was looking up at me with concern again.
"Damn, you really came hard," she said. "Did you just black out?"
I grinned. "Maybe a little?"
It was hard to tell. One moment Michelle had been under me screaming, the next everything went black and she was looking up at me with concern. If I’d blacked out from the intensity of that experience then it couldn't have been for very long, at least.
I rolled to the side. Stared up at the ceiling, gasping for breath.
"That was pretty intense," Michelle said. "Are you sure there's not something going on here that I should know about? Because damn it should be like that all the time!"
I reached out and took her hand. Gave it a squeeze. "Trust me, I was just inspired by how gorgeous you are."
And I suppose that was true. From a certain point of view. I had no intention of telling her that I was turned on by how hot she was specifically because I was thinking about other guys thinking about how hot she was. No, that would go down a rabbit hole I didn't want to deal with in the moment.
And so I stared up and recovered. Basked in the incredible afterglow of that
amazing experience. And tried not to think about her with other men, but of course that thought was never far from the surface.
4: Attractors
Torture. Pure torture.
That's what the next several days were at work. Sure there was the usual stuff about keeping an eye on people and making sure nobody drowning or anything, but at the same time I found myself constantly preoccupied with thoughts of Michelle. Thoughts of Jeff. Thoughts of the two of them coming together. And it was driving me crazy.
It was a miracle there were no casualties while I was so distracted. It was as though I'd suddenly become hyper aware of everything Michelle did. I'd become super cognizant of every look that went her way. Whether that was someone we worked with staring at her, one of the many overweight parents who moved through the park catching a peek, or even teenage guys giving her ass a stare and then high-fiving one another.
As soon as the obsession took hold of me, as soon as it was consummated that night in my room when I thought of another man fucking her while I was the one inside her, it was as though a floodgate had broken. All I could think about was other men looking at her. Other men fucking her.
And I desperately wanted to see it in person. As fucked up as that was.
It was especially fucked up because I found myself watching other men more than I was watching my girlfriend. I had maybe one summer, two at most if we ended up working at the park next year, before she had to go out into the real world and get a real job that didn't involve walking around in a skin tight suit that invited that sort of gawking. And I was wasting that time staring at other guys staring at her.
And yet I’d never been more turned on in my life. I'd never been more aware of just how fucking sexy she was. It was enough to keep me in an almost perpetual state of hardness.
I definitely had to keep my rescue tube in front of me at all times to prevent an embarrassing situation from becoming too obvious to the general public.
It took a week, though, before there were any real developments in our situation. On a lunch date one day when we both happened have the day off. A day we both happened to have off at the same time because of her ability to manipulate the schedule, I'm sure.
We were at some cheesy chain restaurant. It's not like either one of us were made of money. Lifeguarding didn't pay all that well, even if it was a pretty easy job. Even if Michelle was management.
I picked at my fries nervously for a moment. I ran over the rumor I heard from Samantha and Jennifer a week ago. I thought about the best way to approach the subject with her. I didn't want to let on that the rumor was about us, but at the same time I wanted to poke and prod just a little. See what she had to say about that gossip. See whether I could provoke her into coming out with the truth.
I wasn't sure whether I wanted that to be the truth or a lie. I knew what my cock wanted, but there was one hell of a conflict going on between cock and brain.
"So are you going to tell me what has you so distracted?" Michelle asked.
I jumped. Damn. Was I really that obvious? I needed to work on my poker face around my girlfriend.
"Nothing really," I said. I let out a little laugh as though something had just occurred to me. "Just thinking about some gossip I heard in the break room a week back."
Michelle rolled her eyes. "More gossip? That's wonderful. What is it this time? Were they complaining that I didn't give somebody a day off? I told Megan if she wanted a day off she had to give me more lead time than a single day!"
I shook my head. Her job really was a hell of a lot different from mine. She had her own stress, but different from the stress of dealing with the public on a daily basis.
"Nothing like that," I said. "More along the lines of Samantha and Jennifer talking about guys who worked at the park that they thought were hot."
Michelle cocked an eyebrow. Smiled. She suddenly looked interested.
"Oh really now? And was anybody I know particularly well on that list?"
I licked my lips. Tried to figure out how best to proceed. I didn't want to come right out and accuse her of sleeping with Jeff. Not exactly. That would go back to the old damned if I do damned if I don't situation. But I needed to find some way to bring it up in conversation. Reference it obliquely without actually saying it outright.
"Actually they mostly spent their time talking about Jeff," I said.
I watched Michelle's face like a hawk. Searched every inch of her for any sign that she might betray something. I figured just mentioning Jeff's name might be enough to get her attention if she really was doing something with him, but it was hard to tell.
"Jeff? Really? I suppose I can see where they would think he was hot. He does have that whole bodybuilder thing going for him. The man must spend as much time in the gym as he does studying when he's off at college."
Damn. That wasn't quite the answer I was looking for. On the one hand she'd admitted she thought he was hot, but on the other hand she hadn’t really admitted to anything. Either she was being very crafty, or she was very oblivious because there was nothing going on and this was all in my head. And yet I forged ahead, because I had to know which one it was.
Her expression changed and I wondered if maybe I'd struck a nerve after all.
"Don't look like that honey," she said.
She reached out and took my hand. I shivered at that touch. I wondered if she'd touched another man like that. I'd been wondering if she'd touched another man like that an awful lot lately.
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"Just because I think another guy looks good doesn't mean you're not the guy for me," she said. "But you have to admit he does look good. You can't tell me you don't look at Samantha and Jennifer and think things. I've seen the way you look at them!"
Damn. She was pulling some sort of Jedi mind trick thing on me. Turning the tables. Making this conversation less about her and Jeff and more about me staring at Samantha and Jennifer. And I found myself rising to my own defense.
"You know it's not like that," I said. "They're hot, but they're not nearly as hot as you!"
Michelle grinned and took a bite from her fries. "I know. And that's why I'm not worried about you checking them out!"
The conversation had well and truly been flipped. I needed to get back on track. Back to trying to figure out whether or not she'd actually been with Jeff.
"So you'd never consider getting with Jeff?" I asked, trying to sound as innocent as possible.
Michelle cocked an eyebrow. "What's with all this focus on Jeff? Did they really bruise your ego that much? They probably weren't talking about you because you were in the same room."
Michelle took another bite out of a fry. And then an odd look crossed her face.
"You're not trying to tell me something, are you? You don't have a thing for Jeff do you?"
"No!" I said, perhaps too quickly. "There's nothing wrong with that, but definitely not for me."
"Okay. Just checking."
I went back to my hamburger. The conversation had gotten out-of-control one too many times. I couldn't say anything without her pulling a mind trick on me, so it seemed like a good place to stop and not dig myself any deeper.
"I might consider it, you know," Michelle said.
I looked up sharply. That sounded suspicious. Considering doing something was only a hop, skip, and a jump away from actually doing it, after all. Only once more she’d neatly sidestepped the issue. She'd admitted to something without admitting to it at all.
"Really?" I asked, trying to keep my voice as carefully neutral as possible.
Michelle shrugged. "Sure. If I wasn't with you? Jeff's a good looking guy. But that's not anything to worry about. I am with you, and that's all that matters. If it wasn't for me then I'm sure you'd go after Jennifer or Samantha, right? I've seen the way Jennifer looks at you!"
I grinned sheepishly. She did have a point. Once again my worries were being turned right back around on me.
"I suppose you h
ave a point," I said.
"Of course I do! And you still don't see me worried that you're going to run off with one of those two. Because I know you're with me, and I'm the best! Just like you're the best, no matter what those girls say about Jeff."
That almost made me feel better. Almost.
I smiled and reached out. Gave her hand a squeeze. I hoped it seemed like a nice affirming gesture. That this whole conversation was water under the bridge.
Only it was far from over for me. I’d come close enough to the rumored truth that I figured if there was ever a time for her to panic and reveal something then this was it. And she hadn't revealed anything.
I almost would’ve believed her, but there was that damned rumor. Sure things usually tended to be blown way out of proportion, but the fact remained that with the way rumors worked at the water park more often than not where there was smoke there was definitely fire somewhere. Even if it was a relatively small fire.
And that meant only one thing. She’d probably just lied to me.
At least assuming she'd had any sort of dalliance with Jeff. We'd gone from a situation where we might be able to come to some arrangement to a definite situation where there was a good chance my girlfriend was cheating on me. I shivered at the thought, and I wasn't sure if that shiver was because I liked the idea of her cheating on me, or if it was because I was terrified by the idea.
One thing was for certain, the way my cock throbbed in my pants made it obvious what my brain thought.
I to Michelle and smiled. "So did Megan really only give you a day’s notice?"
She rolled her eyes. "Oh my God, yes!"
And she launched into a conversation about the difficulties of managing a bunch of teenagers and twenty somethings barely out of high school who weren't used to dealing with things like responsibility and showing up on time yet. Not all of them had real jobs stocking a grocery store like I had, after all, and punctuality was sometimes a moving target.
The entire time I was thinking. Thinking about whether or not everything she'd just told me was a lie, or if the rumor Jennifer and Samantha spread was the real lie. I still had no way of knowing for sure. It was still maddeningly frustrating not knowing. And I still knew one thing for certain.